Jennie Hill
Jennie Hill
Associate Professor, Population Health Sciences, University of Utah
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Fidelity to and comparative results across behavioral interventions evaluated through the RE-AIM framework: a systematic review
SM Harden, B Gaglio, JA Shoup, KA Kinney, SB Johnson, F Brito, ...
Systematic reviews 4 (1), 155, 2015
Healthy youth places: a randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness of facilitating adult and youth leaders to promote physical activity and fruit and vegetable …
DA Dzewaltowski, PA Estabrooks, G Welk, J Hill, G Milliken, ...
Health Education & Behavior 36 (3), 583-600, 2009
Assessing the internal and external validity of mobile health physical activity promotion interventions: a systematic literature review using the RE-AIM framework
KCA Blackman, J Zoellner, LM Berrey, R Alexander, J Fanning, JL Hill, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 15 (10), 2013
Disparities in obesity among rural and urban residents in a health disparate region
JL Hill, W You, JM Zoellner
BMC public health 14, 1-8, 2014
Leadership in physical activity groups for older adults: a qualitative analysis
PA Estabrooks, KJ Munroe, EH Fox, NC Gyurcsik, JL Hill, R Lyon, ...
Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 12 (3), 232-245, 2004
Validation of the stages of change with mild, moderate, and strenuous physical activity behavior, intentions, and self-efficacy
A Schumann, PA Estabrooks, CR Nigg, J Hill
International journal of sports medicine 24 (05), 363-365, 2003
Effectiveness of a worksite‐based weight loss randomized controlled trial: The worksite study
FA Almeida, W You, SM Harden, KCA Blackman, BM Davy, RE Glasgow, ...
Obesity 23 (4), 737-745, 2015
Using integrated research-practice partnerships to move evidence-based principles into practice
PA Estabrooks, SM Harden, FA Almeida, JL Hill, SB Johnson, GC Porter, ...
Exercise and sport sciences reviews 47 (3), 176, 2019
Exploring community gardens in a health disparate population: findings from a mixed methods pilot study
J Zoellner, A Zanko, B Price, J Bonner, JL Hill
Progress in community health partnerships: research, education, and action 6 …, 2012
Move More: Translating an efficacious group dynamics physical activity intervention into effective clinical practice
PA Estabrooks, RL Smith-Ray, FA Almeida, J Hill, M Gonzales, ...
International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 9 (1), 4-18, 2011
Comparison of the computerized ACTIVITYGRAM instrument and the previous day physical activity recall for assessing physical activity in children
GJ Welk, DA Dzewaltowski, JL Hill
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 75 (4), 370-380, 2004
Environmental perceptions and objective walking trail audits inform a community-based participatory research walking intervention
J Zoellner, JL Hill, K Zynda, AD Sample, K Yadrick
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 9, 1-11, 2012
Racial Disparities of E-Cigarette Use Among US Youths: 2014‒2019
H Dai, AK Ramos, B Faseru, JL Hill, SY Sussman
American journal of public health 111 (11), 2050-2058, 2021
The association between worksite physical environment and employee nutrition, and physical activity behavior and weight status
FA Almeida, SS Wall, W You, SM Harden, JL Hill, BE Krippendorf, ...
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine/American College of …, 2014
Feasibility of an experiential community garden and nutrition programme for youth living in public housing
K Grier, JL Hill, F Reese, C Covington, F Bennette, L MacAuley, J Zoellner
Public health nutrition 18 (15), 2759-2769, 2015
Cohesion as shared beliefs in exercise classes
SM Burke, AV Carron, MM Patterson, PA Estabrooks, JL Hill, ...
Small Group Research 36 (3), 267-288, 2005
Does availability of physical activity and food outlets differ by race and income? Findings from an enumeration study in a health disparate region
JL Hill, C Chau, CR Luebbering, KK Kolivras, J Zoellner
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 9, 1-10, 2012
Engaging the Dan River region to reduce obesity: application of the comprehensive participatory planning and evaluation process
J Zoellner, M Motley, ME Wilkinson, B Jackman, ML Barlow, JL Hill
Family & community health 35 (1), 44-56, 2012
Brief self-efficacy scales for use in weight-loss trials: Preliminary evidence of validity.
KE Wilson, SM Harden, FA Almeida, W You, JL Hill, C Goessl, ...
Psychological assessment 28 (10), 1255, 2016
The influence of parental health literacy status on reach, attendance, retention, and outcomes in a family-based childhood obesity treatment program, Virginia, 2013–2015
JM Zoellner
Preventing chronic disease 14, 2017
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