Geoff G. Z. Zhang
Geoff G. Z. Zhang
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Developing solid oral dosage forms: pharmaceutical theory and practice
Y Qiu, Y Chen, GGZ Zhang, L Yu, RV Mantri
Academic press, 2016
Phase transformation considerations during process development and manufacture of solid oral dosage forms
GGZ Zhang, D Law, EA Schmitt, Y Qiu
Advanced drug delivery reviews 56 (3), 371-390, 2004
Understanding the behavior of amorphous pharmaceutical systems during dissolution
DE Alonzo, GGZ Zhang, D Zhou, Y Gao, LS Taylor
Pharmaceutical research 27, 608-618, 2010
Physical stability of amorphous pharmaceuticals: Importance of configurational thermodynamic quantities and molecular mobility
D Zhou, GGZ Zhang, D Law, DJW Grant, EA Schmitt
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 91 (8), 1863-1872, 2002
Physical chemistry of supersaturated solutions and implications for oral absorption
LS Taylor, GGZ Zhang
Advanced drug delivery reviews 101, 122-142, 2016
Dissolution and precipitation behavior of amorphous solid dispersions
DE Alonzo, Y Gao, D Zhou, H Mo, GGZ Zhang, LS Taylor
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 100 (8), 3316-3331, 2011
Solubilities of crystalline drugs in polymers: an improved analytical method and comparison of solubilities of indomethacin and nifedipine in PVP, PVP/VA, and PVAc
YE Sun, J Tao, GGZ Zhang, L Yu
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 99 (9), 4023-4031, 2010
Efficient co-crystal screening using solution-mediated phase transformation
GGZ Zhang, RF Henry, TB Borchardt, X Lou
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 96 (5), 990-995, 2007
Solubility of Small-Molecule Crystals in Polymers: d-Mannitol in PVP, Indomethacin in PVP/VA, and Nifedipine in PVP/VA
J Tao, Y Sun, GGZ Zhang, L Yu
Pharmaceutical research 26, 855-864, 2009
Enhancements and limits in drug membrane transport using supersaturated solutions of poorly water soluble drugs
SA Raina, GGZ Zhang, DE Alonzo, J Wu, D Zhu, ND Catron, Y Gao, ...
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 103 (9), 2736-2748, 2014
Exploiting the phenomenon of liquid–liquid phase separation for enhanced and sustained membrane transport of a poorly water-soluble drug
AS Indulkar, Y Gao, SA Raina, GGZ Zhang, LS Taylor
Molecular pharmaceutics 13 (6), 2059-2069, 2016
Insights into the dissolution mechanism of ritonavir–copovidone amorphous solid dispersions: importance of congruent release for enhanced performance
AS Indulkar, X Lou, GGZ Zhang, LS Taylor
Molecular pharmaceutics 16 (3), 1327-1339, 2019
Characterizing the impact of hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose on the growth and nucleation kinetics of felodipine from supersaturated solutions
DE Alonzo, S Raina, D Zhou, Y Gao, GGZ Zhang, LS Taylor
Crystal growth & design 12 (3), 1538-1547, 2012
The relationship between protein aggregation and molecular mobility below the glass transition temperature of lyophilized formulations containing a monoclonal antibody
SP Duddu, G Zhang, PR Dal Monte
Pharmaceutical research 14, 596-600, 1997
Crystallization and transitions of sulfamerazine polymorphs
GGZ Zhang, C Gu, MT Zell, RT Burkhardt, EJ Munson, DJW Grant
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 91 (4), 1089-1100, 2002
Relationship between amorphous solid dispersion in vivo absorption and in vitro dissolution: phase behavior during dissolution, speciation, and membrane mass transport
V Wilson, X Lou, DJ Osterling, DF Stolarik, G Jenkins, W Gao, GGZ Zhang, ...
Journal of Controlled Release 292, 172-182, 2018
Thermodynamics, molecular mobility and crystallization kinetics of amorphous griseofulvin
D Zhou, GGZ Zhang, D Law, DJW Grant, EA Schmitt
Molecular pharmaceutics 5 (6), 927-936, 2008
Enhancing the bioavailability of ABT-963 using solid dispersion containing Pluronic F-68
Y Chen, GGZ Zhang, J Neilly, K Marsh, D Mawhinney, YD Sanzgiri
International journal of pharmaceutics 286 (1-2), 69-80, 2004
Impact of solubilizing additives on supersaturation and membrane transport of drugs
SA Raina, GGZ Zhang, DE Alonzo, J Wu, D Zhu, ND Catron, Y Gao, ...
Pharmaceutical research 32, 3350-3364, 2015
Cocrystals of caffeine and hydroxybenzoic acids composed of multiple supramolecular heterosynthons: Screening via solution-mediated phase transformation and structural …
DK Bucar, RF Henry, X Lou, RW Duerst, LR MacGillivray, GGZ Zhang
Crystal Growth and Design 9 (4), 1932-1943, 2009
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