Dr Harshit Agrawal
Fracture behaviour and seismic response of naturally fractured coal subjected to true triaxial stresses and hydraulic fracturing
W Cao, B Yildirim, S Durucan, KH Wolf, W Cai, H Agrawal, A Korre
Fuel 288, 119618, 2021
Rib stability: A way forward for safe coal extraction in India
SK Singh, H Agrawal, AP Singh
International Journal of Mining Science and Technology 27 (6), 1087-1091, 2017
Optimum Chain Pillar Design at the Deepest Multi-Seam Longwall Workings in India
N Ghosh, H Agrawal, SK Singh, G Banerjee
Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration 37, 651-664, 2020
An Investigation into CO2–Brine–Cement–Reservoir Rock Interactions for Wellbore Integrity in CO2 Geological Storage
A Jahanbakhsh, Q Liu, M Hadi Mosleh, H Agrawal, NM Farooqui, ...
Energies 14 (16), 5033, 2021
Rockburst and gas outburst forecasting using a probabilistic risk assessment framework in longwall top coal caving faces
H Agrawal, S Durucan, W Cao, A Korre, JQ Shi
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 56 (10), 6929-6958, 2023
3-Dimensional numerical modelling: an effective enabler for CM deployment in coal seams
H Agrawal, SK Singh, PK Mandal, AP Singh
Journal of Mines Metals and Fuels 63 (5&6), 111-118, 2015
Performance evaluation of fully grouted rock bolt in an Indian hard rock underground mine
DR Singh, AK Mishra, H Agrawal
INDOROCK, 741-755, 2016
Modeling of opencast mines using Surpac and its optimization
H Agrawal
Optimum chain pillar design at the deepest multi-seam longwall workings in India mining. Metall Explor 37: 651–664
N Ghosh, H Agrawal, SK Singh, G Banerjee
Evaluation of parameters affecting the energy accumulation in longwall mining
H Agrawal, S Durucan, W Cao, W Cai
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2019-0324, 2019
Thick coal seam mining methods: Challenges and opportunities
H Agrawal, SK Singh, AP Singh
Indian Mining & Engineering Journal 55 (3), 16-21, 2016
Development of a probabilistic risk assessment methodology to evaluate the effect of lithological heterogeneity on rock bursts and gas outbursts in longwall coal mining
H Agrawal, W Cao, S Durucan, A Korre
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2020-2116, 2020
An investigation into CO2-brine-cement-caprock interactions for wellbore integrity in CO2 geological storage
A Jahanbakhsh, M Recasens, NM Farooqui, MM Maroto-Valer, ...
GHGT-14, 21-25, 2018
Analysis of un-tensioned fully grouted rock bolt–A case study
DR Singh, AK Mishra, H Agrawal, C Manna
Recent Advances in Rock Engineering (RARE 2016), 2016
Geotechnical issues in coal extraction with special reference to rib mechanics for better coal recovery
H Agrawal
Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR), India, 2015
Experimental and numerical modelling investigations into coal mine rockbursts and gas outbursts
H Agrawal
Imperial College London, 2022
Probabilistic risk assessment of rock bursts and excessive gas emissions in longwall top coal caving mining
H Agrawal, S Durucan, W Cao, A Korre
ARMA US Rock Mechanics/Geomechanics Symposium, ARMA-2021-1864, 2021
Rib Geomechanics: Its impacts in coal pillar extraction
SK Singh, H Agrawal, AP Singh
Recent Advances in Rock Engineering (RARE-2016), 50-55, 2016
Analytical Estimation of Strain Energy Accumulation in Retreating Longwall Mining and Sensitivity Analysis Using the Orthogonal Testing Method
H Agrawal, S Durucan, W Cao, W Cai
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 57 (4), 2829-2845, 2024
Optimization of opencast mines using minimum cut algorithm- a case study from iron mine
H Agrawal, BK Pal, S Chatterjee
Journal of Mines Metals and Fuels 67 (10), 469-478, 2019
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