Diffraction tomography and multisource holography applied to seismic imaging RS Wu, MN Toksöz Geophysics 52 (1), 11-25, 1987 | 628 | 1987 |
Seismic envelope inversion and modulation signal model RS Wu, J Luo, B Wu Geophysics 79 (3), WA13-WA24, 2014 | 508 | 2014 |
Scattering characteristics of elastic waves by an elastic heterogeneity RS Wu, K Aki Geophysics 50 (4), 582-595, 1985 | 476 | 1985 |
Multiple scattering and energy transfer of seismic waves—separation of scattering effect from intrinsic attenuation—I. Theoretical modelling RS Wu Geophysical Journal International 82 (1), 57-80, 1985 | 444 | 1985 |
Attenuation of short period seismic waves due to scattering W Ru‐Shan Geophysical Research Letters 9 (1), 9-12, 1982 | 270 | 1982 |
Extracting angle domain information from migrated wavefield XB Xie, RS Wu SEG technical program expanded abstracts 2002, 1360-1363, 2002 | 247 | 2002 |
Wave-equation-based seismic illumination analysis XB Xie, S Jin, RS Wu Geophysics 71 (5), S169-S177, 2006 | 246 | 2006 |
Elastic wave scattering by a random medium and the small‐scale inhomogeneities in the lithosphere RS Wu, K Aki Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 90 (B12), 10261-10273, 1985 | 245 | 1985 |
Wide‐angle elastic wave one‐way propagation in heterogeneous media and an elastic wave complex‐screen method RS Wu Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 99 (B1), 751-766, 1994 | 244 | 1994 |
Generalization of the phase-screen approximation for the scattering of acoustic waves MV de Hoop, JH Le Rousseau, RS Wu Wave Motion 31 (1), 43-70, 2000 | 211 | 2000 |
Multiple scattering and energy transfer of seismic waves—Separation of scattering effect from intrinsic attenuation II. Application of the theory to Hindu Kush region RS Wu, K Aki Scattering and Attenuations of Seismic Waves, Part I, 49-80, 1988 | 204 | 1988 |
Small‐scale structure in the lithosphere and asthenosphere deduced from arrival time and amplitude fluctuations at NORSAR SM Flatté, RS Wu Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 93 (B6), 6601-6614, 1988 | 187 | 1988 |
Introduction: Seismic wave scattering in three-dimensionally heterogeneous earth RS Wu, K Aki Scattering and attenuations of seismic waves, Part I, 1-6, 1988 | 175 | 1988 |
Heterogeneity spectrum and scale‐anisotropy in the upper crust revealed by the German Continental Deep‐Drilling (KTB) Holes RS Wu, Z Xu, XP Li Geophysical Research Letters 21 (10), 911-914, 1994 | 163 | 1994 |
Extended local Born Fourier migration method LJ Huang, MC Fehler, RS Wu Geophysics 64 (5), 1524-1534, 1999 | 161 | 1999 |
Permeability dependence of seismic amplitudes SR Pride, JM Harris, DL Johnson, A Mateeva, KT Nihel, RL Nowack, ... The Leading Edge 22 (6), 518-525, 2003 | 159 | 2003 |
Directional illumination analysis using beamlet decomposition and propagation RS Wu, L Chen Geophysics 71 (4), S147-S159, 2006 | 155 | 2006 |
Simultaneous seismic data interpolation and denoising with a new adaptive method based on dreamlet transform B Wang, RS Wu, X Chen, J Li Geophysical Journal International 201 (2), 1182-1194, 2015 | 152 | 2015 |
The fractal nature of the inhomogeneities in the lithosphere evidenced from seismic wave scattering RS Wu, K Aki Pure and applied geophysics 123 (6), 805-818, 1985 | 140 | 1985 |
Beamlet migration based on local perturbation theory RS Wu, Y Wang, J Gao SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, SEG-2000-1008, 2000 | 125 | 2000 |