Brian Corrie
Brian Corrie
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire Community recommendations for sharing immune-repertoire sequencing data
F Rubelt, CE Busse, SAC Bukhari, JP Bürckert, E Mariotti-Ferrandiz, ...
Nature Immunology 18 (12), ni. 3873, 2017
iReceptor: a platform for querying and analyzing antibody/B‐cell and T‐cell receptor repertoire data across federated repositories
BD Corrie, N Marthandan, B Zimonja, J Jaglale, Y Zhou, E Barr, ...
Immunological reviews 284 (1), 24-41, 2018
A reverse engineering environment based on spatial and visual software interconnection models
HA Müller, SR Tilley, MA Orgun, BD Corrie, NH Madhavji
Proceedings of the Fifth ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on Software development …, 1992
AIRR community standardized representations for annotated immune repertoires
JA Vander Heiden, S Marquez, N Marthandan, SAC Bukhari, CE Busse, ...
Frontiers in immunology 9, 2206, 2018
The global impact of science gateways, virtual research environments and virtual laboratories
M Barker, SD Olabarriaga, N Wilkins-Diehr, S Gesing, DS Katz, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 95, 240-248, 2019
The immuneML ecosystem for machine learning analysis of adaptive immune receptor repertoires
M Pavlović, L Scheffer, K Motwani, C Kanduri, R Kompova, N Vazov, ...
Nature Machine Intelligence 3 (11), 936-944, 2021
Parallel volume rendering and data coherence
B Corrie, P Mackerras
Proceedings of the 1993 symposium on Parallel rendering, 23-26, 1993
Towards quality of experience in advanced collaborative environments
B Corrie, H Wong, T Zimmerman, S Marsh, AS Patrick, J Singer, B Emond, ...
Third Annual Workshop on Advanced Collaborative Environments, 1-8, 2003
Comparing CAVE, wall, and desktop displays for navigation and wayfinding in complex 3D models
C Swindells, BA Po, I Hajshirmohammadi, B Corrie, JC Dill, BD Fisher, ...
Proceedings Computer Graphics International, 2004., 420-427, 2004
A QoE sensitive architecture for advanced collaborative environments
AS Patrick, J Singer, B Corrie, S Noël, K El Khatib, B Emond, ...
First International Conference on Quality of Service in Heterogeneous Wired …, 2004
Awareness meets requirements management: awareness needs in global software development
D Damian, J Chisan, P Allen, B Corrie
Proc. of the Int'l Workshop on Global Software Development, International …, 2003
The global lambda visualization facility: An international ultra-high-definition wide-area visualization collaboratory
J Leigh, L Renambot, A Johnson, B Jeong, R Jagodic, N Schwarz, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 22 (8), 964-971, 2006
The ADC API: a web API for the programmatic query of the AIRR data commons
S Christley, A Aguiar, G Blanck, F Breden, SAC Bukhari, CE Busse, ...
Frontiers in big Data 3, 22, 2020
Using an integrated toolset for program understanding.
MJ Whitney, M Bernstein, R De Mori, K Kontogiannis, B Corrie, HA Müller, ...
CASCON, 59, 1995
Data shaders
B Corrie, P Mackerras
Proceedings of the 4th conference on Visualization'93, 275-282, 1993
Parallel volume rendering and data coherence on the fujitsu AP1000
B Corrie, P Mackerras
The Australian National University, 1992
Exploiting data coherence to improve parallel volume rendering
P Mackerras, B Corrie
IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology: Systems & Applications 2 (2), 8-16, 1994
Toward understanding the importance of gesture in distributed scientific collaboration
B Corrie, MA Storey
Knowledge and information systems 13, 143-171, 2007
Spatial and visual representations of software structures
H Muller, B Corrie, S Tilley
Tech. Rep. TR-74. 086, IBM Canada Ltd, 1992
VDJML: a file format with tools for capturing the results of inferring immune receptor rearrangements
IT Toby, MK Levin, EA Salinas, S Christley, S Bhattacharya, F Breden, ...
BMC bioinformatics 17, 5-14, 2016
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