Bernhard Siemon
Bernhard Siemon
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Groundwater geophysics: a tool for hydrogeology
R Kirsch
Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006
A review of helicopter‐borne electromagnetic methods for groundwater exploration
B Siemon, AV Christiansen, E Auken
Near Surface Geophysics 7 (5-6), 629-646, 2009
Advanced inversion methods for airborne electromagnetic exploration
KP Sengpiel, B Siemon
Geophysics 65 (6), 1983-1992, 2000
A comparison of helicopter-borne electromagnetics in frequency-and time-domain at the Cuxhaven valley in Northern Germany
A Steuer, B Siemon, E Auken
Journal of Applied Geophysics 67 (3), 194-205, 2009
Geophysical investigation of buried Pleistocene subglacial valleys in Northern Germany
G Gabriel, R Kirsch, B Siemon, H Wiederhold
Journal of Applied Geophysics 53 (4), 159-180, 2003
Shallow rainwater lenses in deltaic areas with saline seepage
PGB De Louw, S Eeman, B Siemon, BR Voortman, J Gunnink, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15 (12), 3659-3678, 2011
Numerical modelling of climate change impacts on freshwater lenses on the North Sea Island of Borkum using hydrological and geophysical methods
H Sulzbacher, H Wiederhold, B Siemon, M Grinat, J Igel, T Burschil, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (10), 3621-3643, 2012
Laterally constrained inversion of helicopter-borne frequency-domain electromagnetic data
B Siemon, E Auken, AV Christiansen
Journal of Applied Geophysics 67 (3), 259-268, 2009
Improved and new resistivity-depth profiles for helicopter electromagnetic data
B Siemon
Journal of Applied Geophysics 46 (1), 65-76, 2001
Examples of 1-D inversion of multifrequency HEM data from 3-D resistivity distributions
KP Sengpiel, B Siemon
Exploration Geophysics 29 (1-2), 133-141, 1998
Large-scale, probabilistic salinity mapping using airborne electromagnetics for groundwater management in Zeeland, the Netherlands
JR Delsman, ES Van Baaren, B Siemon, W Dabekaussen, MC Karaoulis, ...
Environmental research letters 13 (8), 084011, 2018
Modelling climate change effects on a Dutch coastal groundwater system using airborne electromagnetic measurements
M Faneca Sànchez, JL Gunnink, ES Van Baaren, GHP Oude Essink, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (12), 4499-4516, 2012
Electromagnetic methods–frequency domain: Airborne techniques
B Siemon
Groundwater geophysics: a tool for hydrogeology, 155-178, 2006
Combining ground-based and airborne EM through Artificial Neural Networks for modelling glacial till under saline groundwater conditions
JL Gunnink, JHA Bosch, B Siemon, B Roth, E Auken
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 16 (8), 3061-3074, 2012
Comparison of novel semi-airborne electromagnetic data with multi-scale geophysical, petrophysical and geological data from Schleiz, Germany
A Steuer, M Smirnova, M Becken, M Schiffler, T Günther, R Rochlitz, ...
Journal of Applied Geophysics 182, 104172, 2020
Levelling of helicopter-borne frequency-domain electromagnetic data
B Siemon
Journal of Applied Geophysics 67 (3), 206-218, 2009
Application of frequency-domain helicopter-borne electromagnetics for groundwater exploration in urban areas
B Siemon, A Steuer, A Ullmann, M Vasterling, W Voß
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 36 (16), 1373-1385, 2011
Geophysical investigation of a freshwater lens on the island of Langeoog, Germany–Insights from combined HEM, TEM and MRS data
S Costabel, B Siemon, G Houben, T Günther
Journal of Applied Geophysics 136, 231-245, 2017
Helicopter-borne electromagnetic investigation of coastal aquifers in North-West Germany
B Siemon, DG Eberle, F Binot
Zeitschrift für geologische Wissenschaften 32 (5/6), 385-395, 2004
A state-of-the-art perspective on the characterization of subterranean estuaries at the regional scale
N Moosdorf, ME Böttcher, D Adyasari, E Erkul, BS Gilfedder, J Greskowiak, ...
Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 601293, 2021
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