Supplier evaluation and management system for strategic sourcing based on a new multicriteria sorting procedure C Araz, I Ozkarahan International journal of production economics 106 (2), 585-606, 2007 | 598 | 2007 |
An integrated multicriteria decision-making methodology for outsourcing management C Araz, PM Ozfirat, I Ozkarahan Computers & operations research 34 (12), 3738-3756, 2007 | 337 | 2007 |
Collaborative production–distribution planning in supply chain: a fuzzy goal programming approach H Selim, C Araz, I Ozkarahan Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 44 (3 …, 2008 | 317 | 2008 |
A fuzzy multi-objective covering-based vehicle location model for emergency services C Araz, H Selim, I Ozkarahan Computers & operations research 34 (3), 705-726, 2007 | 285 | 2007 |
A green supplier evaluation system based on a new multi-criteria sorting method: VIKORSORT L Demir, ME Akpınar, C Araz, MA Ilgın Expert Systems with Applications 114, 479-487, 2018 | 131 | 2018 |
A multicriteria sorting procedure for financial classification problems: The case of business failure risk assessment C Araz, I Ozkarahan International conference on intelligent data engineering and automated …, 2005 | 72 | 2005 |
Disassembly line balancing using linear physical programming MA Ilgin, H Akçay, C Araz International Journal of Production Research 55 (20), 6108-6119, 2017 | 71 | 2017 |
A multicriteria decision aid approach on navel selection problem for rotor spinning S Kaplan, C Araz, Ö Göktepe Textile Research Journal 76 (12), 896-904, 2006 | 41 | 2006 |
Determining the parameters of dual-card kanban system: an integrated multicriteria and artificial neural network methodology OU Araz, O Eski, C Araz The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 38, 965-977, 2008 | 29 | 2008 |
Portfolio selection problem: a comparison of fuzzy goal programming and linear physical programming F Kucukbay, C Araz An International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories …, 2016 | 20 | 2016 |
Lagrangian-based solution approaches for a resource-constrained parallel machine scheduling problem with machine eligibility restrictions EB Edis, C Araz, I Ozkarahan New Frontiers in Applied Artificial Intelligence: 21st International …, 2008 | 19 | 2008 |
An integrated fuzzy approach for determining engineering characteristics in concrete industry T Ertay, DE Akyol, C Araz Applied Artificial Intelligence 25 (4), 305-327, 2011 | 16 | 2011 |
A reactive scheduling approach based on fuzzy inference for hybrid flowshop systems O Uzun Araz, O Eski, C Araz International Journal of Simulation Modelling 18 (1), 5-18, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
Multi-criteria based novel strategic sourcing methodologies C Araz PQDT-Global, 2007 | 12 | 2007 |
Dinamik üretim sistemleri için kanban sayısının belirlenmesi: Bütünleşik bir yöntem ÖU Araz, C Araz, Ö Eski Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 22 (4), 285-296, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
A multi-criteria decision making procedure based on neural networks for kanban allocation ÖU Araz, Ö Eski, C Araz Advances in Neural Networks-ISNN 2006: Third International Symposium on …, 2006 | 6 | 2006 |
Fuzzy demand-driven material requirements planning: a comprehensive analysis of fuzzy logic implementation in DDMRP O Uzun Araz, MA Ilgin, O Eski, C Araz International Journal of Production Research 62 (21), 7793-7811, 2024 | 3 | 2024 |
RADYO FREKANS TANIMLAMA SİSTEMİNE DAYALI HAMMADDE DEPO YÖNETİMİ-RFID BASED RAW MATERIAL WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT Ö Eski, C Araz, T Delan, L Bayoğlu Celal Bayar University Journal of Science 9 (2), 31-44, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
Integrating AI and OR: An industrial engineering perspective I Ozkarahan, S Topaloglu, C Araz, B Bilgen, H Selim Advances in Information Systems: Third International Conference, ADVIS 2004 …, 2005 | 2 | 2005 |
Application of Fuzzy Goal Programming Approach to Supplier Selection Problem in Textile Industry P Özfırat, C Araz, İ Özkarahan Proceedings of 35thInternational Conference on Computers And Industrial …, 2005 | 2 | 2005 |