Nima Saeidi
Nima Saeidi
Associate Professor, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Reprogramming of intestinal glucose metabolism and glycemic control in rats after gastric bypass
N Saeidi, L Meoli, E Nestoridi, NK Gupta, S Kvas, J Kucharczyk, ...
Science 341 (6144), 406-410, 2013
Subnormothermic machine perfusion for ex vivo preservation and recovery of the human liver for transplantation
BG Bruinsma, H Yeh, S Özer, PN Martins, A Farmer, W Wu, N Saeidi, ...
American Journal of Transplantation 14 (6), 1400-1409, 2014
Mechanical strain stabilizes reconstituted collagen fibrils against enzymatic degradation by mammalian collagenase matrix metalloproteinase 8 (MMP-8)
BP Flynn, AP Bhole, N Saeidi, M Liles, CA DiMarzio, JW Ruberti
PloS one 5 (8), e12337, 2010
Supercooling enables long-term transplantation survival following 4 days of liver preservation
TA Berendsen, BG Bruinsma, CF Puts, N Saeidi, OB Usta, BE Uygun, ...
Nature medicine 20 (7), 790-793, 2014
Mechanical strain enhances survivability of collagen micronetworks in the presence of collagenase: implications for load-bearing matrix growth and stability
AP Bhole, BP Flynn, M Liles, N Saeidi, CA Dimarzio, JW Ruberti
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2009
Metabolic profiling during ex vivo machine perfusion of the human liver
BG Bruinsma, GV Sridharan, PD Weeder, JH Avruch, N Saeidi, S Özer, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 22415, 2016
Molecular crowding of collagen: a pathway to produce highly-organized collagenous structures
N Saeidi, KP Karmelek, JA Paten, R Zareian, E DiMasi, JW Ruberti
Biomaterials 33 (30), 7366-7374, 2012
Molecular mechanochemistry: low force switch slows enzymatic cleavage of human type I collagen monomer
RJ Camp, M Liles, J Beale, N Saeidi, BP Flynn, E Moore, SK Murthy, ...
Journal of the American chemical society 133 (11), 4073-4078, 2011
Sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass exhibit differential effects on food preferences, nutrient absorption and energy expenditure in obese rats
N Saeidi, E Nestoridi, J Kucharczyk, MK Uygun, ML Yarmush, ...
International journal of obesity 36 (11), 1396-1402, 2012
Dynamic shear-influenced collagen self-assembly
N Saeidi, EA Sander, JW Ruberti
Biomaterials 30 (34), 6581-6592, 2009
Human primary corneal fibroblasts synthesize and deposit proteoglycans in long‐term 3‐D cultures
R Ren, AEK Hutcheon, XQ Guo, N Saeidi, SA Melotti, JW Ruberti, ...
Developmental Dynamics 237 (10), 2705-2715, 2008
Surgical models of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery and sleeve gastrectomy in rats and mice
BG Bruinsma, K Uygun, ML Yarmush, N Saeidi
Nature protocols 10 (3), 495-507, 2015
Probing collagen/enzyme mechanochemistry in native tissue with dynamic, enzyme-induced creep
R Zareian, KP Church, N Saeidi, BP Flynn, JW Beale, JW Ruberti
Langmuir 26 (12), 9917-9926, 2010
Production of highly aligned collagen lamellae by combining shear force and thin film confinement
N Saeidi, EA Sander, R Zareian, JW Ruberti
Acta biomaterialia 7 (6), 2437-2447, 2011
Decellularization and recellularization of whole livers
BE Uygun, G Price, N Saeidi, ML Izamis, T Berendsen, M Yarmush, ...
Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, 2394, 2011
Disorganized collagen scaffold interferes with fibroblast mediated deposition of organized extracellular matrix in vitro
N Saeidi, X Guo, AEK Hutcheon, EA Sander, SS Bale, SA Melotti, ...
Biotechnology and bioengineering 109 (10), 2683-2698, 2012
Lymph node fibroblastic reticular cell transplants show robust therapeutic efficacy in high-mortality murine sepsis
AL Fletcher, JS Elman, J Astarita, R Murray, N Saeidi, J D’Rozario, ...
Science translational medicine 6 (249), 249ra109-249ra109, 2014
In situ metabolic flux analysis to quantify the liver metabolic response to experimental burn injury
ML Izamis, NS Sharma, B Uygun, R Bieganski, N Saeidi, Y Nahmias, ...
Biotechnology and bioengineering 108 (4), 839-852, 2011
A theoretical model of collective cell polarization and alignment
S He, Y Green, N Saeidi, X Li, JJ Fredberg, B Ji, LM Pismen
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 137, 103860, 2020
Stiffness restricts the stemness of the intestinal stem cells and skews their differentiation toward goblet cells
S He, P Lei, W Kang, P Cheung, T Xu, M Mana, CY Park, H Wang, ...
Gastroenterology 164 (7), 1137-1151. e15, 2023
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