Claudio Colombo
Claudio Colombo
Professor of Soil Science
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Review on iron availability in soil: interaction of Fe minerals, plants, and microbes
C Colombo, G Palumbo, JZ He, R Pinton, S Cesco
Journal of soils and sediments 14, 538-548, 2014
Soil enzyme activities as affected by anthropogenic alterations: intensive agricultural practices and organic pollution
L Gianfreda, MA Rao, A Piotrowska, G Palumbo, C Colombo
Science of the total environment 341 (1-3), 265-279, 2005
Trace elements in manganese‐iron nodules from a Chinese Alfisol
F Liu, C Colombo, P Adamo, JZ He, A Violante
Soil Science Society of America Journal 66 (2), 661-670, 2002
Competitive adsorption of phosphate and oxalate by aluminum oxides
A Violante, C Colombo, A Buondonno
Soil Science Society of America Journal 55 (1), 65-70, 1991
Particle size, charge and colloidal stability of humic acids coprecipitated with ferrihydrite
R Angelico, A Ceglie, JZ He, YR Liu, G Palumbo, C Colombo
Chemosphere 99, 239-247, 2014
Phosphate adsorption and desorption in relation to morphology and crystal properties of synthetic hematites
C Colombo, V Barrón, J Torrent
Geochimica et Cosmochimica acta 58 (4), 1261-1269, 1994
Binding of DNA from Bacillus subtilis on Montmorillonite–Humic Acids–Aluminum or Iron Hydroxypolymers: Effects on Transformation and Protection against DNase
C Crecchio, P Ruggiero, M Curci, C Colombo, G Palumbo, G Stotzky
Soil Science Society of America Journal 69 (3), 834-841, 2005
Competitive adsorption of sulfate and oxalate on goethite in the absence or presence of phosphate
F Liu, J He, C Colombo, A Violante
Soil Science 164 (3), 180-189, 1999
Relationships between aggregation and iron oxides in Terra Rossa soils from southern Italy
C Colombo, J Torrent
Catena 18 (1), 51-59, 1991
Spontaneous aggregation of humic acid observed with AFM at different pH
C Colombo, G Palumbo, R Angelico, HG Cho, O Francioso, A Ertani, ...
Chemosphere 138, 821-828, 2015
Comparing two different spectroscopic techniques for the characterization of soil iron oxides: diffuse versus bi-directional reflectance
VM Sellitto, RBA Fernandes, V Barrón, CM Colombo
Geoderma 149 (1-2), 2-9, 2009
A geostatistical Vis-NIR spectroscopy index to assess the incipient soil salinization in the Neretva River valley, Croatia
M Zovko, D Romić, C Colombo, E Di Iorio, M Romić, G Buttafuoco, ...
Geoderma 332, 60-72, 2018
Integrated study of red Mediterranean soils from southern Italy
S Vingiani, E Di Iorio, C Colombo, F Terribile
Catena 168, 129-140, 2018
Ecological portrayal of old‐growth forests and persistent woodlands in the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park (southern Italy)
M Marchetti, R Tognetti, F Lombardi, U Chiavetta, G Palumbo, M Sellitto, ...
Plant Biosystems 144 (1), 130-147, 2010
Iron oxide nanoparticles in soils: Environmental and agronomic importance
C Claudio, E Iorio, Q Liu, Z Jiang, V Barrón
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 17 (7), 4449-4460, 2017
Cadmium removal from simulated groundwater using alumina nanoparticles: behaviors and mechanisms
NK Koju, X Song, Q Wang, Z Hu, C Colombo
Environmental Pollution 240, 255-266, 2018
Characteristics of insoluble, high molecular weight iron‐humic substances used as plant iron sources
C Colombo, G Palumbo, VM Sellitto, C Rizzardo, N Tomasi, R Pinton, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 76 (4), 1246-1256, 2012
Mineralogy, micromorphology and chemical analysis of andosols on the Island of Sao Miguel (Azores)
F Malucelli, F Terribile, C Colombo
Geoderma 88 (1-2), 73-98, 1999
Characterization of magnetite nanoparticles synthetized from Fe (II)/nitrate solutions for arsenic removal from water
E Di Iorio, C Colombo, Z Cheng, G Capitani, D Mele, G Ventruti, ...
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 7 (2), 102986, 2019
Metodi di analisi chimica del suolo
C Colombo, T Miano
editore non identificato, 2015
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