Liguang Xie
Liguang Xie
Engineering Manager, Ray Core @Anyscale
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
On renewable sensor networks with wireless energy transfer
Y Shi, L Xie, YT Hou, HD Sherali
2011 proceedings IEEE INFOCOm, 1350-1358, 2011
Wireless power transfer and applications to sensor networks
L Xie, Y Shi, YT Hou, W Lou
Wireless Communications, IEEE 20 (4), 2013
Multi-node Wireless Energy Charging in Sensor Networks
L Xie, Y Shi, YT Hou, W Lou, HD Sherali, SF Midkiff
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2014
On Renewable Sensor Networks with Wireless Energy Transfer: The Multi-Node Case
L Xie, Y Shi, YT Hou, W Lou, HD Sherali, SF Midkiff
SECON, 2012 Proceedings IEEE, 10-18, 2012
Bundling Mobile Base Station and Wireless Energy Transfer: Modeling and Optimization
L Xie, Y Shi, YT Hou, W Lou, HD Sherali, SF Midkiff
INFOCOM, 2013 Proceedings IEEE, 1684-1692, 2013
On Traveling Path and Related Problems for a Mobile Station in a Rechargeable Sensor Network
L Xie, Y Shi, YT Hou, W Lou, HD Sherali
MobiHoc, 2013 Proceedings ACM, 2013
A Mobile Platform for Wireless Charging and Data Collection in Sensor Networks
L Xie, Y Shi, YT Hou, W Lou, HD Sherali, H Zhou, SF Midkiff
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 2015
ICN-FC: An information-centric networking based framework for efficient functional chaining
L Liu, Y Peng, M Bahrami, L Xie, A Ito, S Mnatsakanyan, G Qu, Z Ye, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 1-7, 2017
Demonstration of a functional chaining system enabled by named-data networking
L Liu, L Xie, M Bahrami, Y Peng, A Ito, S Mnatsakanyan, G Qu, Z Ye, ...
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Information-Centric Networking, 227-228, 2016
Data-driven motion estimation with low-cost sensors
L Xie, M Kumar, Y Cao, D Gracanin, F Quek
Visual Information Engineering, 2008. VIE 2008. 5th International Conference …, 2008
Zeta: A scalable and robust {East-West} communication framework in {Large-Scale} clouds
Q Zhang, G Zhao, H Xu, Z Yu, L Xie, Y Zhao, C Qiao, Y Xiong, L Huang
19th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2022
Vita: Virtual network topology-aware southbound message delivery in clouds
L Luo, G Zhao, H Xu, L Xie, Y Xiong
IEEE INFOCOM 2022-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 630-639, 2022
Rechargeable sensor networks with magnetic resonant coupling
L Xie, Y Shi, YT Hou, W Lou, HD Sherali, H Zhou
Recharg. Sens. Netw. Technol. Theory Appl. Introd. Energy Harvest. Sens …, 2014
Goat: Gradient scheduling with collaborative in-network aggregation for distributed training
J Fang, G Zhao, H Xu, Z Yu, B Shen, L Xie
2023 IEEE/ACM 31st International Symposium on Quality of Service (IWQoS), 1-10, 2023
Oxdp: Offloading xdp to smartnic for accelerating packet processing
F Wang, G Zhao, Q Zhang, H Xu, W Yue, L Xie
2022 IEEE 28th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems …, 2023
Achieving cost optimization for tenant task placement in geo-distributed clouds
L Luo, G Zhao, H Xu, Z Yu, L Xie
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 32 (2), 1391-1406, 2023
Southbound message delivery with virtual network topology awareness in clouds
G Zhao, L Luo, H Xu, CJ Chung, L Xie
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 31 (1), 248-263, 2022
Scalable and robust east-west forwarding framework for hyperscale clouds
Q Zhang, G Zhao, L Xie, H Xu, Z Yu, Y Zhao, C Qiao, L Huang, Y Xiong
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 31 (6), 3063-3079, 2023
Security challenges for modern data centers with IoT: a preliminary study
Z Zeng, CJ Chung, L Xie
Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference 2022, 555-562, 2022
Secure function chaining enabled by information-centric networking
M Bahrami, L Xie, L Liu, A Ito, Y Peng, S Mnatsakanyan, Z Ye, H Guo
2017 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications …, 2017
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