Prashant Mane
Prashant Mane
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A comprehensive review on fuzzy logic & latent semantic analysis techniques for improving the performance of text summarization
DP Pallavi, PM Mane
International Journal of Advance Research in Computer Science and Management …, 2014
Improving the performance for single and multi-document text summarization via lsa & fl
PD Patil, PM Mane
IJCST 2 (4), 2015
High Data Availability with Effective Data Integrity and User Revocation Using Abe Scheme for Cloud Storage
CMS Prashant mininath mane
International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering …, 2019
An overall survey of extractive based automatic text summarization methods
PD Patil, PM Mane
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2014
A multi keyword searchable attribute-based encryption technique for data access control in cloud storage
PM Mane, MSR Chetty
International Journal 9 (4), 2020
System and method for using private native security groups and private native firewall policy rules in a public cloud
V Kulkarni, G Chandrashekhar, M Hira, A Katrekar, P Mane, RSP Kumar, ...
US Patent 11,831,610, 2023
Achieving Confidentiality and Effective Access Control of Cloud Data Using Cipher Text Policy Based Attribute Based Encryption
PM Mane, S Rani
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 16 (12), 5063-5066, 2019
ABE Technique and Erasure Code for Secure Cloud Storage with Revocation
JS Patil, PM Mane, SM Sangve
Survey on Regenerating Code Based Revocable and Searchable ABE Scheme for Mobile Cloud Storage
JS Patil, PM Mane
Devanagari Script to Roman Script Named Entity Machine Transliteration via High Quality Syllabification and Alignment
KN Chavan, PM Mane
Data Driven Traffic Flow Forecasting using MapReduce in Distributed Modelling
VN Gavali, P Mane, RR Patil
networks 1 (2), 2014
Paillier based Privacy-Preserving Mining of Association Rules from Outsourced Transaction Databases
A Smart, PM Mane
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and …, 0
Duplication Removal and Auditing Check Over Cloud
PB Wadavkar, PM Mane
A Survey of Generating Multi-Document Summarizations
S Patil Ajita, PM Mane
A Survey on Privacy-Preserving Mining of Association Rule on Databases
AG Smart, PM Mane
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