John F. Rauthmann
Narcissistic admiration and rivalry: Disentangling the bright and dark sides of narcissism.
MD Back, ACP Küfner, M Dufner, TM Gerlach, JF Rauthmann, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 105 (6), 1013, 2013
The Situational Eight DIAMONDS: A taxonomy of major dimensions of situation characteristics
JF Rauthmann, D Gallardo-Pujol, EM Guillaume, E Todd, CS Nave, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 107 (4), 677-718, 2014
How “dark” are the Dark Triad traits? Examining the perceived darkness of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy
JF Rauthmann, GP Kolar
Personality and Individual Differences 53 (7), 884-889, 2012
The Dark Triad and interpersonal perception: Similarities and differences in the social consequences of narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy
JF Rauthmann
Social Psychological and Personality Science 3 (4), 487-496, 2012
Principles of situation research: Towards a better understanding of psychological situations
JF Rauthmann, RA Sherman, DC Funder
European Journal of Personality 29 (3), 363-381, 2015
The independent effects of personality and situations on real-time expressions of behavior and emotion.
RA Sherman, JF Rauthmann, NA Brown, DG Serfass, AB Jones
Journal of personality and social psychology 109 (5), 872, 2015
Proposing a multidimensional Machiavellianism conceptualization
JF Rauthmann, T Will
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 39 (3), 391-403, 2011
Is there a “dark intelligence”? Emotional intelligence is used by dark personalities to emotionally manipulate others
UKJ Nagler, KJ Reiter, MR Furtner, JF Rauthmann
Personality and individual differences 65, 47-52, 2014
Narcissism and romantic relationships: The differential impact of narcissistic admiration and rivalry.
SN Wurst, TM Gerlach, M Dufner, JF Rauthmann, MP Grosz, ACP Küfner, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 112 (2), 280, 2017
Leading yourself and leading others: Linking self-leadership to transformational, transactional, and laissez-faire leadership
MR Furtner, U Baldegger, JF Rauthmann
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 22 (4), 436-449, 2013
Reliability and validity of the Turkish versions of dark triad dirty dozen (DTDD-T), short dark triad (SD3-T), and single item narcissism scale (SINS-T)
E Özsoy, JF Rauthmann, PK Jonason, K Ardıç
Personality and Individual Differences 117, 11-14, 2017
Personality-driven situation experience, contact, and construal: How people’s personality traits predict characteristics of their situations in daily life
JF Rauthmann, RA Sherman, CS Nave, DC Funder
Journal of Research in Personality 55, 98-111, 2015
Investigating the MACH–IV with item response theory and proposing the trimmed MACH
JF Rauthmann
Journal of personality assessment 95 (4), 388-397, 2013
The perceived attractiveness and traits of the Dark Triad: Narcissists are perceived as hot, Machiavellians and psychopaths not
JF Rauthmann, GP Kolar
Personality and Individual Differences 54 (5), 582-586, 2013
Eyes as windows to the soul: Gazing behavior is related to personality
JF Rauthmann, CT Seubert, P Sachse, MR Furtner
Journal of Research in Personality 46 (2), 147-156, 2012
Positioning the Dark Triad in the interpersonal circumplex: The friendly-dominant narcissist, hostile-submissive Machiavellian, and hostile-dominant psychopath?
JF Rauthmann, GP Kolar
Personality and Individual Differences 54 (5), 622-627, 2013
Are narcissists sexy? Zeroing in on the effect of narcissism on short-term mate appeal
M Dufner, JF Rauthmann, AZ Czarna, JJA Denissen
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 39 (7), 870-882, 2013
The self-loving self-leader: an examination of the relationship between self-leadership and the dark triad
MR Furtner, JF Rauthmann, P Sachse
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 39 (3), 369-379, 2011
Dark leadership: The role of leaders’ dark triad personality traits
MR Furtner, T Maran, JF Rauthmann
Leader development deconstructed, 75-99, 2017
Who is impacted? Personality predicts individual differences in psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany
N Modersitzki, LV Phan, N Kuper, JF Rauthmann
Social Psychological and Personality Science 12 (6), 1110-1130, 2021
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