Anis Eliyana
Job satisfaction and organizational commitment effect in the transformational leadership towards employee performance
A Eliyana, S Ma’arif
European Research on Management and Business Economics 25 (3), 144-150, 2019
Effects of transformational leadership styles on job performance with job motivation as mediation: A study in a state-owned enterprise
A Bastari, A Eliyana, T Wijayanti
Management Science Letters 10 (12), 2883-2888, 2020
Influence of organizational commitment, transactional leadership, and servant leadership to the work motivation, work satisfaction and work performance of teachers at private …
DU Wahyuni, B Christiananta, A Eliyana
Educational Research International 3 (2), 82-96, 2014
The influence of occupational safety and health on performance with job satisfaction as intervening variables (Study on the production employees in PT. Mahakarya Rotanindo, Gresik)
RM Yusuf, A Eliyana, ON Sari
American Journal of Economics 6 (1), 136-140, 2012
Enhancing employee performance with work motivation as a mediation variable
Q Al Banin, A Eliyana, ER Latifiyah
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (9), 333-346, 2020
Digitalization in banking sector: the role of intrinsic motivation
A Bastari, A Eliyana, A Syabarrudin, Z Arief, AP Emur
Heliyon 6 (12), 2020
Individual and organizational factors’ effect on knowledge sharing behavior
A Rohman, A Eliyana, D Purwana, H Hamidah
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues 8 (1), 38, 2020
The relationship between self efficacy and readiness for change: The mediator roles of employee empowerment
A Eliyana, B Emsza, W Istyarini
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. MCSER Publishing, Rome-Italy 7 (3), 2016
Proactive work behavior and innovative work behavior: Moderating effect of job characteristics
K Nurjaman, MS Marta, A Eliyana, D Kurniasari, D Kurniasari
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews 7 (6), 373-379, 2019
Building Nurses' Organizational Commitment by Providing Good Quality of Work Life.
A Eliyana, A Permana Emur, AR Sridadi
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (4), 2020
Testing the determining factors of knowledge sharing behavior
H Mustika, A Eliyana, TS Agustina, A Anwar
Sage Open 12 (1), 21582440221078012, 2022
Does employees' self-efficacy drive their organizational commitment?
A Syabarrudin, A Eliyana, J Naimah
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (4), 2020
Is employee performance affected by organizational cuoture, work motivation and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)?: An empirical investigation
M Muzakki, A Eliyana, R Muhtadi
IJIEEB International Journal of Integrated Education, Engineering and …, 2019
The effect of transformational leadership on employee performance mediated by leader-member exchange (LMX).
FF Hasib, A Eliyana, Z Arief, AA Pratiwi
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (11), 2020
Quality of work life’s factors and their impacts on organizational commitments
D Adikoeswanto, A Eliyana, T Sariwulan, AD Buchdadi, F Firda
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (7), 450-461, 2020
Data set on coping strategies in the digital age: The role of psychological well-being and social capital among university students in Java Timor, Surabaya, Indonesia
A Abbas, A Eliyana, D Ekowati, M Saud, A Raza, R Wardani
Data in Brief 30, 105583, 2020
The Effect of Double Role Conflict (Work Family Conflict) on Female Worker's Performance with Work Stress as the Intervening Variable.
HBA Safrizal, A Eliyana, KL Febriyanti
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (10), 2020
The impact of social capital, entrepreneurial competence on business performance: An empirical study of SMEs
A Yani, A Eliyana, I Hamidah, AD Buchdadi
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (9), 779-787, 2020
The effect of transactional and transformational leadership on lecturer performance with job satisfaction as the mediation.
MR Angriani, A Eliyana, H Fitrah, P Sembodo
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (11), 2020
The effect of leadership style, organizational culture and job satisfaction on employee performance with organizational commitment as the intervening variable
BR Purnomo, A Eliyana, ED Pramesti
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (10), 446-458, 2020
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