Tzu-Lin Sun
Tzu-Lin Sun
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Process of inducing pores in membranes by melittin
MT Lee, TL Sun, WC Hung, HW Huang
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (35), 14243-14248, 2013
Interaction of daptomycin with lipid bilayers: a lipid extracting effect
YF Chen, TL Sun, Y Sun, HW Huang
Biochemistry 53 (33), 5384-5392, 2014
Physical properties of Escherichia coli spheroplast membranes
Y Sun, TL Sun, HW Huang
Biophysical journal 107 (9), 2082-2090, 2014
Visualization of hepatobiliary excretory function<? xpp qa?> by intravital multiphoton microscopy
Y Liu, HC Chen, SM Yang, TL Sun, W Lo, LL Chiou, GT Huang, CY Dong, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 12 (1), 014014-014014-5, 2007
The Atlastin C-terminal tail is an amphipathic helix that perturbs the bilayer structure during endoplasmic reticulum homotypic fusion
JE Faust, T Desai, A Verma, I Ulengin, TL Sun, TJ Moss, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 290 (8), 4772-4783, 2015
Membrane permeability of hydrocarbon-cross-linked peptides
TL Sun, Y Sun, CC Lee, HW Huang
Biophysical journal 104 (9), 1923-1932, 2013
Ex vivo imaging and quantification of liver fibrosis using second-harmonic generation microscopy
TL Sun, Y Liu, MC Sung, HC Chen, CH Yang, V Hovhannisyan, WC Lin, ...
Journal of Biomedical Optics 15 (3), 036002-036002-6, 2010
In vivo dynamic metabolic imaging of obstructive cholestasis in mice
FC Li, Y Liu, GT Huang, LL Chiou, JH Liang, TL Sun, CY Dong, HS Lee
American Journal of Physiology-Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology 296 (5 …, 2009
Mode of action of antimicrobial peptides on E. coli spheroplasts
Y Sun, TL Sun, HW Huang
Biophysical journal 111 (1), 132-139, 2016
Shedding-induced gap formation contributes to gut barrier dysfunction in endotoxemia
CW Lai, TL Sun, W Lo, ZH Tang, S Wu, YJ Chang, CC Wu, SC Yu, ...
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 74 (1), 203-213, 2013
Apical membrane rupture and backward bile flooding in acetaminophen-induced hepatocyte necrosis
FC Li, GT Huang, CJ Lin, SS Wang, TL Sun, SY Lo, W Lo, LL Chiou, ...
Cell death & disease 2 (7), e183-e183, 2011
Label-free diagnosis of human hepatocellular carcinoma by multiphoton autofluorescence microscopy
TL Sun, Y Liu, MC Sung, HC Chen, CH Yang, V Hovhannisyan, WC Lin, ...
Applied Physics Letters 95 (19), 2009
In vivo drug screening system
CY Dong, HS Lee, FC Li, TL Sun, Y Liu, PS Chang
US Patent App. 12/018,769, 2009
A pore model or the carpet model? The mode of action of AMPs on E. coli spheroplasts
Y Sun, TL Sun, HW Huang
Biophysical Journal 110 (3), 28a, 2016
Process of inducing pores in membranes by melittin
MT Lee, TL Sun, WC Hung, HW Huang
Biophysical Journal 106 (2), 293a, 2014
Membrane permeability of peptides and drugs
TL Sun, HW Huang
Biophysical Journal 104 (2), 599a, 2013
Human hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis by multiphoton autofluorescence microscopy
TL Sun, Y Liu, MC Sung, HC Chen, CH Yang, V Hovhannisyan, LL Chiou, ...
Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems VIII 7555, 221-229, 2010
Multiphoton autofluorescence and second-harmonic generation diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma
Y Liu, TL Sun, CH Yang, VA Hovhannisyan, WC Lin, HS Lee, CY Dong
Optical Diagnostics and Sensing VIII 6863, 115-119, 2008
Intravital multiphoton microscopy for imaging hepatobiliary function
FC Li, TL Sun, HS Lee, SM Yang, CY Dong
European Conference on Biomedical Optics, 6630_39, 2007
Intravital multiphoton microscopy for imaging hepatobiliary function
W Lo, Y Liu, HC Chen, SM Yang, TL Sun, LL Chiou, GT Huang, CY Dong, ...
Multiphoton Microscopy in the Biomedical Sciences VII 6442, 283-290, 2007
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