Jasmine Ware
Jasmine Ware
Yukon Government
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Using tri-axial accelerometers to identify wild polar bear behaviors
AM Pagano, KD Rode, A Cutting, MA Owen, S Jensen, JV Ware, ...
Endangered Species Research 32, 19-33, 2017
Temporal organization of activity in the brown bear (Ursus arctos): roles of circadian rhythms, light, and food entrainment
JV Ware, OL Nelson, CT Robbins, HT Jansen
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2012
Habitat degradation affects the summer activity of polar bears
JV Ware, KD Rode, JF Bromaghin, DC Douglas, RR Wilson, EV Regehr, ...
Oecologia 184, 87-99, 2017
The clock keeps ticking: circadian rhythms of free-ranging polar bears
JV Ware, KD Rode, CT Robbins, T Leise, CR Weil, HT Jansen
Journal of biological rhythms 35 (2), 180-194, 2020
Positive Reinforcement Training for Blood Collection in Grizzly Bears (Ursus arctos horribilis) Results in Undetectable Elevations in Serum Cortisol Levels: A …
NM Joyce-Zuniga, RC Newberry, CT Robbins, JV Ware, HT Jansen, ...
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 19 (2), 210-215, 2016
Temporal niche switching by grizzly bears but not American black bears in Yellowstone National Park
JK Fortin, JV Ware, HT Jansen, CC Schwartz, CT Robbins
Journal of Mammalogy 94 (4), 833-844, 2013
Endocrine rhythms in the brown bear (Ursus arctos): Evidence supporting selection for decreased pineal gland size
JV Ware, OL Nelson, CT Robbins, PA Carter, BAJ Sarver, HT Jansen
Physiological reports 1 (3), 2013
Validation of mercury tip-switch and accelerometer activity sensors for identifying resting and active behavior in bears
JV Ware, KD Rode, AM Pagano, J Bromaghin, CT Robbins, J Erlenbach, ...
Ursus, 86-96, 2015
Survey-based assessment of the frequency and potential impacts of recreation on polar bears
KD Rode, JK Fortin-Noreus, D Garshelis, M Dyck, V Sahanatien, ...
Biological Conservation 227, 121-132, 2018
Assessment of abundance for the Gulf of Boothia polar bear subpopulation using genetic mark-recapture
M Dyck, EV Regehr, JV Ware
Final report. Government of Nunavut, Department of Environment, Iglulik, Canada, 2020
Aerial survey of the Western Hudson Bay polar bear subpopulation 2021
SN Atkinson, NJ Boulanger, M Campbell, V Trim, J Ware, ...
Final Report., Igloolik, NU, 2022
Genetic and environmental effects on early growth and performance in purebred Holstein, Jersey, and reciprocal crossbred calves
JV Ware, ST Franklin, J Jackson, AJ McAllister, BG Cassell
Journal of Dairy Science 98 (2), 1255-1260, 2015
Aerial survey of the Western Hudson Bay polar bear subpopulation 2021. Final report. Government of Nunavut
SN Atkinson, J Boulanger, M Campbell, V Trim, J Ware, ...
Wildlife Research Section, Status Report, 2022
Recovery From Reduction
M Dyck, PM Lukacs, J Ware
Arctic 74 (4), 509-524, 2021
Using tri-axial accelerometers to identify wild polar bear behaviors. Endanger Species Res. 2017; 32: 19–33
AM Pagano, KD Rode, A Cutting, MA Owen, S Jensen, JV Ware
2021 Southern Hudson Bay polar bear subpopulation aerial survey. Final report.
JM Northrup, E Howe, NJ Lunn, K Middel, ME Obbard, TR Ross, ...
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, 2022
Re-estimating the abundance of the Davis Strait polar bear subpopulation by genetic mark-recapture
M Dyck, KD Dunham, JV Ware, DN Koons, EV Regehr, DW Hosmer, ...
Final Report to Nunavut Wildlife Boards. Government of Nunavut, Igloolik 17, 2021
Split Parturition Observed in a Captive North American Brown Bear (Ursus arctos)
JV Ware, OL Nelson, CT Robbins, HT Jansen
Zoo Biology 31 (2), 255-259, 2012
Birth weights, mortality, and dystocia in Holsteins, Jerseys, and their reciprocal crosses in the Virginia Tech and Kentucky crossbreeding project
B Cassell, A McAllister, R Nebel, S Franklin, K Getzewich, J Ware, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 88, 92-92, 2005
Demographic assessment using physical and genetic sampling finds stable polar bear subpopulation in Gulf of Boothia, Canada
M Dyck, EV Regehr, JV Ware
Marine Mammal Science 39 (1), 151-174, 2023
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