Milind Watve
Milind Watve
Independent researcher
El. paštas nepatvirtintas - Pagrindinis puslapis
How many antibiotics are produced by the genus Streptomyces?
MG Watve, R Tickoo, MM Jog, BD Bhole
Archives of microbiology 176 (5), 386-390, 2001
Evolutionary origins of insulin resistance: a behavioral switch hypothesis
MG Watve, CS Yajnik
BMC evolutionary biology 7, 1-13, 2007
The'K'selected oligophilic bacteria: a key to uncultured diversity?
M Watve, V Shejval, C Sonawane, M Rahalkar, A Matapurkar, Y Shouche, ...
Current science, 1535-1542, 2000
Parasite abundance and diversity in mammals: correlates with host ecology.
MG Watve, R Sukumar
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 92 (19), 8945-8949, 1995
Aging may be a conditional strategic choice and not an inevitable outcome for bacteria
M Watve, S Parab, P Jogdand, S Keni
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (40), 14831-14835, 2006
Problems in measuring bacterial diversity and a possible solution
MG Watve, RM Gangal
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 62 (11), 4299-4301, 1996
Nectarless flowers: ecological correlates and evolutionary stability
JD Thakar, K Kunte, AK Chauhan, AV Watve, MG Watve
Oecologia 136 (4), 565-570, 2003
Bee-eaters (Merops orientalis) respond to what a predator can see
M Watve, J Thakar, A Kale, S Puntambekar, I Shaikh, K Vaze, M Jog, ...
Animal cognition 5, 253-259, 2002
Assessment of crop damage by protected wild mammalian herbivores on the western boundary of Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve (TATR), Central India
A Bayani, D Tiwade, A Dongre, AP Dongre, R Phatak, M Watve
PloS one 11 (4), e0153854, 2016
Widespread predatory abilities in the genus Streptomyces
C Kumbhar, P Mudliar, L Bhatia, A Kshirsagar, M Watve
Archives of microbiology 196, 235-248, 2014
Oligophilic bacteria as tools to monitor aseptic pharmaceutical production units
PP Nagarkar, SD Ravetkar, MG Watve
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67 (3), 1371-1374, 2001
Characterization and control of endophytic bacterial contaminants in in vitro cultures of Piper spp., Taxus baccata subsp. wallichiana, and Withania somnifera
AA Kulkarni, SM Kelkar, MG Watve, KV Krishnamurthy
Canadian Journal of Microbiology 53 (1), 63-74, 2007
A theoretical model of community operated compensation scheme for crop damage by wild herbivores
M Watve, K Patel, A Bayani, P Patil
Global Ecology and Conservation 5, 58-70, 2016
Epidemic diseases and host clustering: an optimum cluster size ensures maximum survival
MG Watve, MM Jog
Journal of theoretical biology 184 (2), 165-169, 1997
Can thrifty gene (s) or predictive fetal programming for thriftiness lead to obesity?
U Baig, P Belsare, M Watve, M Jog
Journal of obesity 2011 (1), 861049, 2011
Sociobiological control of plasmid copy number in bacteria
MM Watve, N Dahanukar, MG Watve
PloS one 5 (2), e9328, 2010
Metabolic syndrome: aggression control mechanisms gone out of control
PV Belsare, MG Watve, SS Ghaskadbi, DS Bhat, CS Yajnik, M Jog
Medical hypotheses 74 (3), 578-589, 2010
Doves, diplomats, and diabetes: a Darwinian interpretation of type 2 diabetes and related disorders
M Watve
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Phenotypic plasticity and effects of selection on cell division symmetry in Escherichia coli
UN Lele, UI Baig, MG Watve
PloS one 6 (1), e14516, 2011
Role of parasites and commensals in shaping host behaviour
M Jog, M Watve
Current Science, 1184-1191, 2005
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