David DiBiase
David DiBiase
Educator and lifelong learner
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Animation and the role of map design in scientific visualization
D DiBiase, AM MacEachren, JB Krygier, C Reeves
Cartography and geographic information systems 19 (4), 201-214, 1992
Visualization in the earth sciences
D DiBiase
Earth and Mineral Sciences 59 (2), 13-18, 1990
Geographic information science and technology body of knowledge
University Consortium for Geographic Information Science
Assoc. of American Geographers, 2006
Is distance teaching more work or less work?
D DiBiase
American Journal of Distance Education 14 (3), 6-20, 2000
AM MacEachren, BP Buttenfield, JB Campbell, DW DiBiase, ...
Geography's inner worlds: Pervasive themes in contemporary American …, 1992
Is distance education a Faustian bargain?
D Dibiase
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 24 (1), 130-135, 2000
Plagiarism by adult learners online: A case study in detection and remediation
CL Jocoy, D DiBiase
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 7 (1), 1-18, 2006
The new geospatial technology competency model: Bringing workforce needs into focus
D DiBiase, T Corbin, T Fox, J Francica, K Green, J Jackson, G Jeffress, ...
Urisa Journal 22 (2), 55, 2010
Animated maps of aggregate data: Conceptual and practical problems
AM MacEachren, D DiBiase
Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 18 (4), 221-229, 1991
Design, implementation and evaluation of multimedia resources for geography and earth science education
JB Krygier, C Reeves, D DiBiase, J Cupp
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 21 (1), 17-39, 1997
Maps and the geospatial revolution: teaching a massive open online course (MOOC) in geography
AC Robinson, J Kerski, EC Long, H Luo, D DiBiase, A Lee
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 39 (1), 65-82, 2015
Introducing the first edition of geographic information science and technology body of knowledge
D DiBiase, M DeMers, A Johnson, K Kemp, AT Luck, B Plewe, E Wentz
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 34 (2), 113-120, 2007
Wasted on the young? comparing the performance and attitudes of younger and older us adults in an online class on geographic information: JGHE annual lecture
D Dibiase, K Kidwai
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 34 (3), 299-326, 2010
The impact of increasing enrollment on faculty workload and student satisfaction over time
D DiBiase
Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks 8 (2), 45-60, 2004
Multivariate display of geographic data: Applications in earth system science
D DiBiase, C Reeves, AM MacEachren, M Von Wyss, JB Krygier, JL Sloan, ...
Visualization in modern cartography 287, 312, 1994
Scaling up: Faculty workload, class size, and student satisfaction in a distance learning course on geographic information science
D Dibiase, HJ Rademacher
Journal of Geography in Higher Education 29 (1), 139-158, 2005
Teaching geographic information science and technology in higher education
D Unwin, N Tate, K Foote, D DiBiase
John Wiley & Sons, 2011
Using e-portfolios at Penn State to enhance student learning
D DiBiase
E-Education Institute 23, 2002
Rethinking laboratory education for an introductory course on geographic information
D DiBiase
Cartographica: The International Journal for Geographic Information and …, 1996
Internationalizing professional development in geography through distance education
M Solem, L Chalmers, D Dibiase, K Donert, S Hardwick
Active Learning and Student Engagement, 194-207, 2013
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