Adam Abramson
Adam Abramson
Migal Galilee Research Institute
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Willingness to pay, borrow, and work for rural water service improvements in developing countries
A Abramson, N Becker, Y Garb, N Lazarovitch
Water Resources Research 47 (11), 2011
Chemical and biological monitoring in ephemeral and intermittent streams: a study of two transboundary Palestinian–Israeli watersheds
A Tal, N Al Khateeb, N Nagouker, H Akerman, M Diabat, A Nassar, ...
Intl. J. River Basin Management 8 (2), 185-205, 2010
A tale of two rivers: Pathways for improving water management in the Jordan and Colorado River basins
A Chen, A Abramson, N Becker, SB Megdal
Journal of Arid Environments 112, 109-123, 2015
Stream restoration as a basis for Israeli–Palestinian cooperation: a comparative analysis of two transboundary streams
A Abramson, A Tal, N Becker, N El-Khateeb, L Asaf, A Assi, E Adar
Intl. J. River Basin Management 8 (1), 39-53, 2010
Adapting enzyme-based microbial water quality analysis to remote areas in low-income countries
A Abramson, M Benami, N Weisbrod
Environmental science & technology 47 (18), 10494-10501, 2013
Exploring parameter effects on the economic outcomes of groundwater-based developments in remote, low-resource settings
A Abramson, E Adar, N Lazarovitch
Journal of Hydrology 514, 15-29, 2014
Israeli/Palestinian transboundary stream restoration and management: lessons for the future
A Tal, NA Khateeb, N Nagouker, H Akerman, M Diabat, A Nassar, R Angel, ...
Intl. J. River Basin Management 8 (2), 207-213, 2010
Decision support system for economic assessment of water improvements in remote, low-resource settings
A Abramson, N Lazarovitch, S Massoth, E Adar
Environmental modelling & software 62, 197-209, 2014
Investigating the impact of irrigation method on profitability of smallholder gardening: Incorporating HYDRUS-1D into a decision support system
A Abramson, E Adar, N Lazarovitch
HYDRUS Software Applications to Subsurface Flow and Contaminant Transport …, 2013
5. Outlining a transition from cost-effective to productive rural water service improvements
A Abramson
Global Water: Issues and Insights, 21, 2014
Decision Support System for assessing full cost recovery of water development in rural Africa
A Abramson
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Natural Sciences Faculty, Environmental …, 2013
Economic Insights into Providing Access to Improved Groundwater Sources in Remote, Low-Resource Areas
A Abramson, N Lazarovitch, E Adar
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, H31C-1180, 2013
Monitoring Transboundary Palestinian-Israeli Streams: Implications for Cooperative Management Strategies
JL Gasith, Y Hirshkowitz, D Halawani, N Nagouker, R Angel, H Akerman, ...
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