Youssef Lebrini
Youssef Lebrini
Unilasalle Polytechnique Institute
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
The performance of random forest classification based on phenological metrics derived from Sentinel-2 and Landsat 8 to map crop cover in an irrigated semi-arid region
A Htitiou, A Boudhar, Y Lebrini, R Hadria, H Lionboui, L Elmansouri, ...
Remote Sensing in Earth Systems Sciences 2 (4), 208-224, 2019
Analysis and trends of rainfall amounts and extreme events in the Western Mediterranean region
T Benabdelouahab, F Gadouali, A Boudhar, Y Lebrini, R Hadria, A Salhi
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 141 (1), 309-320, 2020
Bridging the gap of perception is the only way to align soil protection actions
A Salhi, T Benabdelouahab, J Martin-Vide, A Okacha, Y El Hasnaoui, ...
Science of the Total Environment 718, 137421, 2020
A comparative analysis of different phenological information retrieved from Sentinel-2 time series images to improve crop classification: A machine learning approach
A Htitiou, A Boudhar, Y Lebrini, R Hadria, H Lionboui, T Benabdelouahab
Geocarto International 37 (5), 1426-1449, 2022
Identifying agricultural systems using SVM classification approach based on phenological metrics in a semi-arid region of Morocco
Y Lebrini, A Boudhar, R Hadria, H Lionboui, L Elmansouri, R Arrach, ...
Earth Systems and Environment 3 (2), 277-288, 2019
Monitoring spatial variability and trends of wheat grain yield over the main cereal regions in Morocco: a remote-based tool for planning and adjusting policies
T Benabdelouahab, Y Lebrini, A Boudhar, R Hadria, A Htitiou, H Lionboui
Geocarto International 36 (20), 2303-2322, 2021
Hydrological response to snow cover changes using remote sensing over the Oum Er Rbia Upstream Basin, Morocco
A Boudhar, H Ouatiki, H Bouamri, Y Lebrini, I Karaoui, M Hssaisoune, ...
Mapping and spatial analysis of socio-economic and environmental indicators …, 2020
Remote monitoring of agricultural systems using NDVI time series and machine learning methods: a tool for an adaptive agricultural policy
Y Lebrini, A Boudhar, A Htitiou, R Hadria, H Lionboui, L Bounoua, ...
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 13 (16), 796, 2020
Combining use of TRMM and ground observations of annual precipitations for meteorological drought trends monitoring in Morocco
R Hadria, A Boudhar, H Ouatiki, Y Lebrini, L Elmansouri, F Gadouali, ...
American Journal of Remote Sensing 7 (2), 25-34, 2019
Mapping and characterization of phenological changes over various farming systems in an arid and semi-arid region using multitemporal moderate spatial resolution data
Y Lebrini, A Boudhar, A Laamrani, A Htitiou, H Lionboui, A Salhi, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (4), 578, 2021
Derivation of air temperature of agricultural areas of Morocco from remotely land surface temperature based on the updated Köppen-Geiger climate classification
R Hadria, T Benabdelouahab, L Elmansouri, F Gadouali, H Ouatiki, ...
Modeling Earth Systems and Environment 5, 1883-1892, 2019
Classification and status monitoring of agricultural crops in central Morocco: a synergistic combination of OBIA approach and fused Landsat-Sentinel-2 data
A Htitiou, A Boudhar, Y Lebrini, H Lionboui, A Chehbouni, ...
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 15 (1), 014504-014504, 2021
Spatial assessment of losses in wheat production value: A need for an innovative approach to guide risk management policies
H Lionboui, T Benabdelouahab, A Htitiou, Y Lebrini, A Boudhar, R Hadria, ...
Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 18, 100300, 2020
Deep learning-based reconstruction of spatiotemporally fused satellite images for smart agriculture applications in a heterogeneous agricultural region
A Htitiou, A Boudhar, Y Lebrini, T Benabdelouahab
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2020
Using SAR data to detect wheat irrigation supply in an irrigated semi-arid area
T Benabdelouahab, D Derauw, H Lionboui, R Hadria, B Tychon, ...
J. Agric. Sci 11, 21, 2018
Digitalization and agricultural development: Evidence from Morocco
H Lionboui, A Boudhar, Y Lebrini, A Htitiou, F Elame, R Hadria, ...
Food Security and Climate-Smart Food Systems: Building Resilience for the …, 2022
Farming systems monitoring using machine learning and trend analysis methods based on fitted NDVI time series data in a semi-arid region of Morocco
Y Lebrini, T Benabdelouahab, A Boudhar, A Htitiou, R Hadria, H Lionboui
Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XXI 11149, 235-241, 2019
Mapping soil suitability using phenological information derived from MODIS time series data in a semi-arid region: A case study of Khouribga, Morocco
M Ismaili, S Krimissa, M Namous, K Abdelrahman, A Boudhar, M Edahbi, ...
Heliyon 10 (2), 2024
Mapping and Spatial Analysis of Socio-Economic and Environmental Indicators for Sustainable Development
N Rebai, M Mastere
Springer International Publishing, 2020
Recours aux satellites pour appuyer le management de l’eau d’irrigation: Estimation des besoins en eau des agrumes par télédétection dans la Plaine de Triffa-Berkane (Maroc)
R Hadria, L Elmansouri, T Benabdelouahab, H Ouatiki, Y Lebrini, ...
African Journal of Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences 2 (2), 135-148, 2019
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