John E. Roberts
John E. Roberts
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Meta-analysis of the relationship between HIV infection and risk for depressive disorders
JA Ciesla, JE Roberts
American journal of psychiatry 158 (5), 725-730, 2001
Adult attachment security and symptoms of depression: the mediating roles of dysfunctional attitudes and low self-esteem.
JE Roberts, IH Gotlib, JD Kassel
Journal of personality and social psychology 70 (2), 310, 1996
Ruminative response style and vulnerability to episodes of dysphoria: Gender, neuroticism, and episode duration
JE Roberts, E Gilboa, IH Gotlib
Cognitive therapy and Research 22 (4), 401-423, 1998
Computerized adaptive assessment of personality disorder: Introducing the CAT-PD project
LJ Simms, LR Goldberg, JE Roberts, D Watson, J Weite, JH Rotterman
Personality Assessment in the DSM-5, 73-82, 2014
Memory and attention in obsessive–compulsive disorder: a review
J Muller, JE Roberts
Journal of anxiety disorders 19 (1), 1-28, 2005
Adult attachment security and college student substance use
JD Kassel, M Wardle, JE Roberts
Addictive behaviors 32 (6), 1164-1176, 2007
Vulnerable self-esteem and depressive symptoms: prospective findings comparing three alternative conceptualizations.
JE Roberts, SM Monroe
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 62 (5), 804, 1992
Neuroticism and ruminative response style as predictors of change in depressive symptomatology
SA Nolan, JE Roberts, IH Gotlib
Cognitive Therapy and Research 22 (5), 445-455, 1998
Rumination, negative cognition, and their interactive effects on depressed mood.
JA Ciesla, JE Roberts
Emotion 7 (3), 555, 2007
Life events and bipolar disorder: implications from biological theories.
SL Johnson, JE Roberts
Psychological bulletin 117 (3), 434, 1995
Social anxiety's impact on affect, curiosity, and social self-efficacy during a high self-focus social threat situation
TB Kashdan, JE Roberts
Cognitive Therapy and Research 28, 119-141, 2004
Long-term impact of parental divorce on optimism and trust: Changes in general assumptions or narrow beliefs?
KM Franklin, R Janoff-Bulman, JE Roberts
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 59 (4), 743, 1990
Rumination in interpersonal relationships: Does co-rumination explain gender differences in emotional distress and relationship satisfaction among college students?
CA Calmes, JE Roberts
Cognitive Therapy and Research 32, 577-590, 2008
Repetitive thought and emotional distress: Rumination and worry as prospective predictors of depressive and anxious symptomatology
CA Calmes, JE Roberts
Cognitive therapy and research 31, 343-356, 2007
Trait and state curiosity in the genesis of intimacy: Differentiation from related constructs
TB Kashdan, JE Roberts
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 23 (6), 792-816, 2004
Social anxiety, depressive symptoms, and post-event rumination: Affective consequences and social contextual influences
TB Kashdan, JE Roberts
Journal of anxiety disorders 21 (3), 284-301, 2007
A multidimensional model of self-esteem in depression
JE Roberts, SM Monroe
Clinical Psychology Review 14 (3), 161-181, 1994
Sudden gains in cognitive behavioral treatment for depression: when do they occur and do they matter?
MAR Kelly, JE Roberts, JA Ciesla
Behaviour research and therapy 43 (6), 703-714, 2005
Self-directed thought and response to treatment for depression: A preliminary investigation
JA Ciesla, JE Roberts
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy 16 (4), 435-453, 2002
Attributional style and self-esteem in vulnerability to adolescent depressive symptoms following life stress: A 14-week prospective study
D Southall, JE Roberts
Cognitive Therapy and Research 26, 563-579, 2002
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