David Keays
David Keays
Professor of Neurobiology, LMU, Munich. Principal Research Associate, PDN, University of Cambridge.
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Mutations in α-tubulin cause abnormal neuronal migration in mice and lissencephaly in humans
DA Keays, G Tian, K Poirier, GJ Huang, C Siebold, J Cleak, PL Oliver, ...
Cell 128 (1), 45-57, 2007
Mutations in the β-tubulin gene TUBB2B result in asymmetrical polymicrogyria
XH Jaglin, K Poirier, Y Saillour, E Buhler, G Tian, N Bahi-Buisson, ...
Nature genetics 41 (6), 746-752, 2009
Impaired synaptic plasticity and motor learning in mice with a point mutation implicated in human speech deficits
M Groszer, DA Keays, RMJ Deacon, JP De Bono, S Prasad-Mulcare, ...
Current Biology 18 (5), 354-362, 2008
Large spectrum of lissencephaly and pachygyria phenotypes resulting from de novo missense mutations in tubulin alpha 1A (TUBA1A)
K Poirier, DA Keays, F Francis, Y Saillour, N Bahi, S Manouvrier, ...
Human mutation 28 (11), 1055-1064, 2007
A novel α-conotoxin identified by gene sequencing is active in suppressing the vascular response to selective stimulation of sensory nerves in vivo
DW Sandall, N Satkunanathan, DA Keays, MA Polidano, X Liping, ...
Biochemistry 42 (22), 6904-6911, 2003
Clusters of iron-rich cells in the upper beak of pigeons are macrophages not magnetosensitive neurons
CD Treiber, MC Salzer, J Riegler, N Edelman, C Sugar, M Breuss, ...
Nature 484 (7394), 367-370, 2012
Mutations in the β-tubulin gene TUBB5 cause microcephaly with structural brain abnormalities
M Breuss, JIT Heng, K Poirier, G Tian, XH Jaglin, Z Qu, A Braun, T Gstrein, ...
Cell reports 2 (6), 1554-1562, 2012
A gene-driven ENU-based approach to generating an allelic series in any gene
MM Quwailid, A Hugill, N Dear, L Vizor, S Wells, E Horner, S Fuller, ...
Mammalian Genome 15, 585-591, 2004
Therapeutic applications of conotoxins that target the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
BG Livett, DW Sandall, D Keays, J Down, KR Gayler, N Satkunanathan, ...
Toxicon 48 (7), 810-829, 2006
Magnetoreception—a sense without a receptor
GC Nordmann, T Hochstoeger, DA Keays
PLoS biology 15 (10), e2003234, 2017
Unexpected complexity in the haplotypes of commonly used inbred strains of laboratory mice
B Yalcin, J Fullerton, S Miller, DA Keays, S Brady, A Bhomra, A Jefferson, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (26), 9734-9739, 2004
Mutations in the HECT domain of NEDD4L lead to AKT–mTOR pathway deregulation and cause periventricular nodular heterotopia
L Broix, H Jagline, E L Ivanova, S Schmucker, N Drouot, J Clayton-Smith, ...
Nature genetics 48 (11), 1349-1358, 2016
Mutations in PGAP3 impair GPI-anchor maturation, causing a subtype of hyperphosphatasia with mental retardation
MF Howard, Y Murakami, AT Pagnamenta, C Daumer-Haas, B Fischer, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 94 (2), 278-287, 2014
Periventricular heterotopia in 6q terminal deletion syndrome: role of the C6orf70 gene
V Conti, A Carabalona, E Pallesi-Pocachard, E Parrini, RJ Leventer, ...
Brain 136 (11), 3378-3394, 2013
Tubulins and brain development–The origins of functional specification
MW Breuss, I Leca, T Gstrein, AH Hansen, DA Keays
Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 84, 58-67, 2017
No evidence for intracellular magnetite in putative vertebrate magnetoreceptors identified by magnetic screening
NB Edelman, T Fritz, S Nimpf, P Pichler, M Lauwers, RW Hickman, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (1), 262-267, 2015
A putative mechanism for magnetoreception by electromagnetic induction in the pigeon inner ear
S Nimpf, GC Nordmann, D Kagerbauer, EP Malkemper, L Landler, ...
Current Biology 29 (23), 4052-4059. e4, 2019
Mutations in either TUBB or MAPRE2 cause circumferential skin creases Kunze type
M Isrie, M Breuss, G Tian, AH Hansen, F Cristofoli, J Morandell, ...
The American Journal of Human Genetics 97 (6), 790-800, 2015
Mutations in PIGY: expanding the phenotype of inherited glycosylphosphatidylinositol deficiencies
B Ilkovski, AT Pagnamenta, GL O'Grady, T Kinoshita, MF Howard, M Lek, ...
Human molecular genetics 24 (21), 6146-6159, 2015
Deletions and de novo mutations of SOX11 are associated with a neurodevelopmental disorder with features of Coffin–Siris syndrome
A Hempel, AT Pagnamenta, M Blyth, S Mansour, V McConnell, I Kou, ...
Journal of medical genetics 53 (3), 152-162, 2016
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