Vishal Bharmauria
Fluoxetine and serotonin facilitate attractive‐adaptation‐induced orientation plasticity in adult cat visual cortex
L Bachatene, V Bharmauria, S Cattan, S Molotchnikoff
European Journal of Neuroscience 38 (1), 2065-2077, 2013
Adaptation shifts preferred orientation of tuning curve in the mouse visual cortex
J Jeyabalaratnam, V Bharmauria, L Bachatene, S Cattan, A Angers, ...
PloS one 8 (5), e64294, 2013
Comparative analysis of orientation maps in areas 17 and 18 of the cat primary visual cortex following adaptation
S Cattan, L Bachatene, V Bharmauria, J Jeyabalaratnam, C Milleret, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 40 (3), 2554-2563, 2014
Adaptation-induced plasticity and spike waveforms in cat visual cortex
L Bachatene, V Bharmauria, J Rouat, S Molotchnikoff
NeuroReport 23 (2), 88-92, 2012
Reprogramming of orientation columns in visual cortex: a domino effect
L Bachatene, V Bharmauria, S Cattan, J Rouat, S Molotchnikoff
Scientific reports 5 (1), 9436, 2015
Network‐selectivity and stimulus‐discrimination in the primary visual cortex: cell‐assembly dynamics
V Bharmauria, L Bachatene, S Cattan, S Brodeur, N Chanauria, J Rouat, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 43 (2), 204-219, 2016
Sound induces change in orientation preference of V1 neurons: Audio-visual cross-influence
N Chanauria, V Bharmauria, L Bachatene, S Cattan, J Rouat, ...
Neuroscience 404, 48-61, 2019
Stimulus‐dependent augmented gamma oscillatory activity between the functionally connected cortical neurons in the primary visual cortex
V Bharmauria, L Bachatene, S Cattan, N Chanauria, J Rouat, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 41 (12), 1587-1596, 2015
Adaptation and neuronal network in visual cortex
L Bachatene, V Bharmauria, S Molotchnikoff
Visual Cortex-Current Status and Perspectives, 2012
Summation of connectivity strengths in the visual cortex reveals stability of neuronal microcircuits after plasticity
L Bachatene, V Bharmauria, S Cattan, N Chanauria, J Rouat, ...
BMC neuroscience 16, 1-11, 2015
Genetic variation and polymorphism in the Himalayan nettle plant Urtica dioica based on RAPD marker
V Bharmauria, N Narang, V Verma, S Sharma
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 3 (3), 166-170, 2009
Modulation of functional connectivity following visual adaptation: homeostasis in V1
L Bachatene, V Bharmauria, S Cattan, J Rouat, S Molotchnikoff
Brain research 1594, 136-153, 2015
Synergistic activity between primary visual neurons
V Bharmauria, L Bachatene, S Cattan, J Rouat, S Molotchnikoff
Neuroscience 268, 255-264, 2014
Adaptation-induced plasticity in the sensory cortex
V Bharmauria, A Ouelhazi, R Lussiez, S Molotchnikoff
Journal of Neurophysiology 128, 946-962, 2022
Integration of Eye-Centered and Landmark-Centered Codes in Frontal Eye Field Gaze Responses
V Bharmauria, A Sajad, J Li, X Yan, H Wang, JD Crawford
Cerebral Cortex 30 (9), 4995–5013, 10.1093/cercor/bhaa090, 2020
Spatiotemporal coding in the macaque supplementary eye fields: landmark influence in the target-to-gaze transformation
V Bharmauria, A Sajad, X Yan, H Wang, JD Crawford
ENEURO.0446-20.2020, 2020
Effects of ketamine on orientation selectivity and variability of neuronal responses in primary visual cortex
A Ouelhazi, V Bharmauria, N Chanauria, L Bachatene, R Lussiez, ...
Brain Research, 146462, 2019
Synchrony and complexity in state-related EEG networks: an application of spectral graph theory
AH Ghaderi, B Baltaretu, MN Andevari, V Bharmauria, F Balci
Neural Computation, 1-33, 2020
Eye-Head-Hand Coordination during visually guided Reaches in Head-Unrestrained Macaques
HK Arora, V Bharmauria, X Yan, S Sun, H Wang, JD Crawford
Journal of Neurophysiology,, 2019
Comparative effects of adaptation on layers II–III and V–VI neurons in cat V1
N Chanauria, V Bharmauria, L Bachatene, S Cattan, J Rouat, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 44 (12), 3094-3104, 2016
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