Linda Galligan
Linda Galligan
Head of School of Mathematics, Physics and Computing, University of Southern Queensland
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A review of the trends and challenges in adopting natural language processing methods for education feedback analysis
T Shaik, X Tao, Y Li, C Dann, J McDonald, P Redmond, L Galligan
Ieee Access 10, 56720-56739, 2022
The use of tablet and related technologies in mathematics teaching
L Galligan, B Loch, C McDonald, JA Taylor
Australian Senior Mathematics Journal 24 (1), 38-51, 2010
Becoming a female leader in higher education: Investigations from a regional university
P Redmond, H Gutke, L Galligan, A Howard, T Newman
Gender and Education 29 (3), 332-351, 2017
Sentiment analysis and opinion mining on educational data: A survey
T Shaik, X Tao, C Dann, H Xie, Y Li, L Galligan
Natural Language Processing Journal 2, 100003, 2023
Modern artificial intelligence model development for undergraduate student performance prediction: An investigation on engineering mathematics courses
RC Deo, ZM Yaseen, N Al-Ansari, T Nguyen-Huy, TAM Langlands, ...
Ieee Access 8, 136697-136724, 2020
Evaluating individual teaching on the road to embedding academic skills
H Huijser, L Kimmins, L Galligan
Journal of Academic Language and Learning 2 (1), A23-A38, 2008
Mathematics for maths anxious tertiary students: Integrating the cognitive and affective domains using interactive multimedia
J Taylor, L Galligan
Literacy and numeracy studies 15 (1), 23-43, 2006
Evolution and emerging trends of university writing groups
L Galligan, P Cretchley, L George, K Martin-McDonald, J McDonald, ...
Queensland Journal of Educational Research 19 (1), 28-41, 2003
Learner-centred mathematics and statistics education using netbook tablet PCs
B Loch, L Galligan, C Hobohm, C McDonald
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 42 …, 2011
A systematic approach to embedding academic numeracy at university
L Galligan
Higher Education Research & Development 32 (5), 734-747, 2013
Possible effects of English-Chinese language differences on the processing of mathematical text: A review
L Galligan
Mathematics Education Research Journal 13 (2), 112-132, 2001
The creation of a nudging protocol to support online student engagement in higher education
A Brown, J Lawrence, M Basson, M Axelsen, P Redmond, J Turner, ...
Active Learning in Higher Education 24 (3), 257-271, 2023
Adults returning to study mathematics
L Galligan, JA Taylor
Research in mathematics education in Australasia 2004-2007, 99-118, 2008
Using Valsiner
L Galligan
Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education …, 2008
Tablet technology to facilitate improved interaction and communication with students studying mathematics at a distance
L Galligan, C Hobohm, B Loch
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching 31 (4), 363-385, 2012
Investigating students’ academic numeracy in 1st level university courses
L Galligan, C Hobohm
Mathematics Education Research Journal 27, 129-145, 2015
Students’ mathematical preparation: differences in staff and student perceptions
AP Wandel, C Robinson, S Abdulla, T Dalby, A Frederiks, L Galligan
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education 23 (1), 2015
Manifestations of cognitive presence in blended learning classes of the Philippine K–12 system
JAR Villanueva, P Redmond, L Galligan
Online Learning Journal 26 (1), 19-37, 2022
Tertiary mathematics education
M Coupland, PK Dunn, L Galligan, G Oates, S Trenholm
Research in Mathematics Education in Australasia 2012-2015, 187-211, 2016
It’s part of my life and the modelling process
L Galligan, T Axelsen, T Pennicott, R Addie, P Galbraith, G Woolcott
Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 22 (4), 355-378, 2019
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