Minho Yeon
Minho Yeon
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Comparison of Deep Learning Techniques for River Streamflow Forecasting
XH Le, DH Nguyen, S Jung, M Yeon, G Lee
IEEE Access 9, 71805-71820, 2021
Application of Random Forest Algorithm for Merging Multiple Satellite Precipitation Products across South Korea
GV Nguyen, XH Le, LN Van, S Jung, M Yeon, G Lee
Remote Sensing 13 (20), 4033, 2021
Enhancing wildfire mapping accuracy using mono-temporal Sentinel-2 data: A novel approach through qualitative and quantitative feature selection with explainable AI
LN Van, VN Tran, GV Nguyen, M Yeon, MTT Do, G Lee
Ecological Informatics 81, 102601, 2024
Machine Learning for High-Resolution Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: Case Study in Inje County, South Korea
XH Le, S Eu, C Choi, DH Nguyen, M Yeon, G Lee
Frontiers in Earth Science 11, 1268501, 2023
Comprehensive relationships between kinetic energy and rainfall intensity based on precipitation measurements from an OTT Parsivel2 optical disdrometer
LN Van, XH Le, GV Nguyen, M Yeon, DTT May, G Lee
Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 985516, 2022
River Water Level Prediction Based on Deep Learning: Case Study on the Geum River, South Korea
XH Le, S Jung, M Yeon, G Lee
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Sustainability in Civil …, 2021
Investigating Behavior of Six Methods for Sediment Transport Capacity Estimation of Spatial-Temporal Soil Erosion
LN Van, XH Le, GV Nguyen, M Yeon, S Jung, G Lee
Water 13 (21), 3054, 2021
Evaluation of numerous kinetic energy-rainfall intensity equations using disdrometer data
LN Van, XH Le, GV Nguyen, M Yeon, MTT Do, G Lee
Remote Sensing 15 (1), 156, 2022
Quantitative evaluation of uncertainty and interpretability in machine learning-based landslide susceptibility mapping through feature selection and explainable AI
XH Le, C Choi, S Eu, M Yeon, G Lee
Frontiers in Environmental Science 12, 1424988, 2024
Analysis of the Effect of Objective Functions on Hydrologic Model Calibration and Simulation
GH Lee, MH Yeon, YH Kim, SH Jung
Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security 15 (1), 1-12, 2022
Classification of Soil Creep Hazard Class Using Machine Learning
GH Lee, XH Le, MH Yeon, JP Seo, CW Lee
Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security 14 (3), 17-27, 2021
Investigating Behavior of Six Methods for Sediment Transport Capacity Estimation of Spatial-Temporal Soil Erosion. Water 2021, 13, 3054
LN Van, XH Le, GV Nguyen, M Yeon, S Jung, G Lee
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2021
Analysis of Net Erosion Using a Physics-Based Erosion Model for the Doam Dam Basin in Korea
M Yeon, S Kim, H Shin, H An, D Lee, S Jung, G Lee
Water 13 (19), 2663, 2021
National variability in soil organic carbon stock predictions: Impact of bulk density pedotransfer functions
MTT Do, LN Van, XH Le, GV Nguyen, M Yeon, G Lee
International Soil and Water Conservation Research 12 (4), 868-884, 2024
Comparison of rainfall-runoff performance based on various gridded precipitation datasets in the Mekong River basin
Y Kim, XH Le, S Jung, M Yeon, G Lee
Journal of Korea Water Resources Association 56 (2), 75-89, 2023
Analysis of future flood inundation change in the Tonle Sap basin under a climate change scenario
DE Lee, SH Jung, MH Yeon, GH Lee
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 48 (3), 433-446, 2021
Review of earthquake-induced landslide modeling and scenario-based application
G Lee, H An, M Yeon, JP Seo, CW Lee
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 47 (4), 963-978, 2020
Quantitative evaluation of uncertainty and interpretability in machine learning-based landslide susceptibility mapping through feature selection and explainable AI
C Choi, S Eu, M Yeon, G Lee
Frontiers in Environmental Science (Web) 12, 1424988, 2024
Spatial analysis of soil erosion and deposition using physics-based distributed model
MG Song, YH Kim, CU Choi, MH Yeon
Korean Journal of Agricultural Science 51 (3), 375-389, 2024
Analysis of soil loss using a physics-based model
MG Song, MH Yeon, N Van Linh, GH Lee
Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference, 231-231, 2023
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