Ankita Lal
Ankita Lal
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Cellular mechanisms of cadmium-induced toxicity: a review
A Rani, A Kumar, A Lal, M Pant
International journal of environmental health research 24 (4), 378-399, 2014
Plumbago zeylanica L.: a mini review
M Pant, A Lal, S Rana, A Rani
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Applications 3 (3), 399-405, 2012
Elaeocarpus sphaericus: A tree with curative powers: an overview
P Lal
Research Journal of Medicinal Plant 7 (1), 23-31, 2013
Hippophae salicifolia D. Don–A plant with multifarious benefits
M Pant, A Lal, A Rani
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci 6 (11), 37-40, 2014
A simple cost effective method for mass propagation of Chrysanthemum morifolium and antibacterial activity assessment of in vitro raised plantlets
M Pant, A Lal, R Jain
Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science 5 (07), 103-111, 2015
The who's who of plant viruses: A cognitive approach
A Lal, M Pant, A Rani
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research, 60-68, 2015
Development of rapid micropropagation protocol for germplasm conservation of two orchid species-Aerides multiflora Roxb. and Rhynchostylis retusa (L.) Blume
A Lal, M Pant, LMS Palni, A Kumar
Asian Journal of Conservation Biology, 9 (2), 341-347, 2021
ISSR marker assisted genetic diversity assessment in natural populations of two endemic orchids Aerides multiflora and Rhynchostylis retusa from Uttarakhand, India
A Lal, M Pant, G Pant, LMS Palni, A Kumar, G Kumar
South African Journal of Botany 157, 151-158, 2023
In vitro propagation of Tinospora cordifolia and estimation of berberine content by Chromatographic analysis
SS Sudan, B Batra, T Gusain, A Lal, M Pant
Eco Env Cons 26, S58-S62, 2020
Ex situ approaches to conservation of Himalayan Biodiversity with particular reference to Medicinal Plants.
LMS Palni, A Lal, M Pant
Plant Diversity In The Himalaya Hotspot Region 2, 865-897, 2018
Clonal propagation and hardening of epiphytic orchids (Aerides multiflora and Rhyncostylis retusa) for sustainable conservation and utilization
A Lal, M Pant, A Kumar, LMS Palni, A Singh, MR Siddiqui, A Husen
South African Journal of Botany 162, 402-411, 2023
Molecular Docking and TLC Analysis of Candidate Compounds from Lesser used Medicinal Plants Against Diabetes Mellitus Targets.
B Batra, SS Sudan, M Pant, K Pant, A Lal, T Gusain
Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 15 (2), 2022
Rhynchostylis retusa (L.) Blume
A Lal, M Pant, LMS Palni, A Kumar, D Kholiya
Int J Cur Res Rev| Vol 12 (20), 21, 2020
Direct and Indirect Organogenesis in Hippophae salicifolia D. Don. – A Nutraceutically Important Plant
A Thakur, M Pant, A Lal
Research Journal of Biotechnology 15 (5), 33-41, 2020
In vitro propagation of Rhyncostylis retusa (L.) Blume through immature seed culture
A Lal, M Pant, A Datta, LMS Palni
Ecol Environ Cons 26, 46-51, 2019
In vitro mass propagation of Rudraksha and anti-bacterial activity assessment of in vitro raised plantlets
M Pant, A Lal
GENES & DISEASES 7 (3), 468-468, 2020
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Straipsniai 1–16