Po Shan wang
Po Shan wang
Taipei Municipal Gan-Dau Hospital
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Fractal dimension analysis for quantifying cerebellar morphological change of multiple system atrophy of the cerebellar type (MSA-C)
YT Wu, KK Shyu, CW Jao, ZY Wang, BW Soong, HM Wu, PS Wang
Neuroimage 49 (1), 539-551, 2010
The ‘hot cross bun’sign in the patients with spinocerebellar ataxia
YC Lee, CS Liu, HM Wu, PS Wang, MH Chang, BW Soong
European journal of neurology 16 (4), 513-516, 2009
Comparison of cerebellar ataxias: A three‐year prospective longitudinal assessment
Y Lee, Y Liao, P Wang, IH Lee, K Lin, B Soong
Movement Disorders 26 (11), 2081-2087, 2011
Differences between spinocerebellar ataxias and multiple system atrophy-cerebellar type on proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy
JF Lirng, PS Wang, HC Chen, BW Soong, WY Guo, HM Wu, CY Chang
PLoS One 7 (10), e47925, 2012
Use of diffusion tensor imaging to identify similarities and differences between cerebellar and Parkinsonism forms of multiple system atrophy
PS Wang, HM Wu, CP Lin, BW Soong
Neuroradiology 53, 471-481, 2011
Regional patterns of cerebral glucose metabolism in spinocerebellar ataxia type 2, 3 and 6: a voxel-based FDG-positron emission tomography analysis
PS Wang, RS Liu, BH Yang, BW Soong
Journal of neurology 254, 838-845, 2007
Early detection of periodic sharp wave complexes on EEG by independent component analysis in patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
PS Wang, YT Wu, CI Hung, SY Kwan, S Teng, BW Soong
Journal of clinical neurophysiology 25 (1), 25-31, 2008
Altered resting-state functional connectivity of striatal-thalamic circuit in bipolar disorder
S Teng, CF Lu, PS Wang, CT Li, PC Tu, CI Hung, TP Su, YT Wu
PloS one 9 (5), e96422, 2014
Cerebral involvement in spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy (Kennedy's disease): a pilot study of PET
TH Lai, RS Liu, BH Yang, PS Wang, KP Lin, YC Lee, BW Soong
Journal of the neurological sciences 335 (1-2), 139-144, 2013
Selective hypoperfusion of anterior cingulate gyrus in depressed AD patients: a brain SPECT finding by statistical parametric mapping
YC Liao, RS Liu, YC Lee, CM Sun, CY Liu, PS Wang, PN Wang, HC Liu
Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders 16 (4), 238-244, 2003
Classification of EEG motor imagery using support vector machine and convolutional neural network
YT Wu, TH Huang, CY Lin, SJ Tsai, PS Wang
2018 international automatic control conference (CACS), 1-4, 2018
Association between proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy measurements and CAG repeat number in patients with spinocerebellar ataxias 2, 3, or 6
PS Wang, HC Chen, HM Wu, JF Lirng, YT Wu, BW Soong
Public Library of Science 7 (10), e47479, 2012
Statistical parametric mapping of brain SPECT perfusion abnormalities in patients with Alzheimer’s disease
YC Lee, RS Liu, YC Liao, CM Sun, PS Wang, PN Wang, HC Liu
European neurology 49 (3), 142-145, 2003
Disrupted cerebellar connectivity reduces whole‐brain network efficiency in multiple system atrophy
CF Lu, BW Soong, HM Wu, S Teng, PS Wang, YT Wu
Movement Disorders 28 (3), 362-369, 2013
CAG repeat length does not associate with the rate of cerebellar degeneration in spinocerebellar ataxia type 3
SR Huang, YT Wu, CW Jao, BW Soong, JF Lirng, HM Wu, PS Wang
NeuroImage: Clinical 13, 97-105, 2017
Combining analysis of multi-parametric MR images into a convolutional neural network: Precise target delineation for vestibular schwannoma treatment planning
WK Lee, CC Wu, CC Lee, CF Lu, HC Yang, TH Huang, CY Lin, ...
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 107, 101911, 2020
Morphological regionalization using fetal magnetic resonance images of normal developing brains
HH Hu, WY Guo, HY Chen, PS Wang, CI Hung, JC Hsieh, YT Wu
European Journal of Neuroscience 29 (8), 1560-1567, 2009
Classification of bipolar disorder using basal-ganglia-related functional connectivity in the resting state
S Teng, CF Lu, PS Wang, CI Hung, CT Li, PC Tu, TP Su, YT Wu
2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2013
Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging for differentiating multiple system atrophy cerebellar type and spinocerebellar ataxia type 3
CW Jao, BW Soong, CW Huang, CA Duan, CC Wu, YT Wu, PS Wang
Brain Sciences 9 (12), 354, 2019
The involvement of supratentorial white matter in multiple system atrophy: a diffusion tensor imaging tractography study
PS Wang, CL Yeh, CF Lu, HM Wu, BW Soong, YT Wu
Acta Neurologica Belgica 117 (1), 213-220, 2017
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