Philip A. Wilsey
Philip A. Wilsey
Professor of Electrical Enginering and Computer Science, Univ of Cincinnati
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Comparative analysis of periodic state saving techniques in Time Warp simulators
J Fleischmann, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of the ninth workshop on Parallel and distributed simulation, 50-58, 1995
An analytical comparison of periodic checkpointing and incremental state saving
AC Palaniswamy, PA Wilsey
ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest 23 (1), 127-134, 1993
WARPED: A time warp simulation kernel for analysis and application development
DE Martin, TJ McBrayer, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of HICSS-29: 29th Hawaii International Conference on System …, 1996
Optical asset tracking system
P Wilsey, F Beyette, D Dieckman, D Martin
US Patent App. 10/725,250, 2005
Optical communication imager
F Beyette, D Dieckman, D Martin, P Wilsey
US Patent App. 10/306,555, 2004
An object-oriented time warp simulation kernel
R Radhakrishnan, DE Martin, M Chetlur, D Madhava Rao, PA Wilsey
International Symposium on Computing in Object-Oriented Parallel …, 1998
Unsynchronized parallel discrete event simulation
DM Rao, NV Thondugulam, R Radhakrishnan, PA Wilsey
1998 Winter Simulation Conference. Proceedings (Cat. No. 98CH36274) 2, 1563-1570, 1998
pGVT: An algorithm for accurate GVT estimation
LM D'Souza, X Fan, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of the eighth workshop on Parallel and distributed simulation …, 1994
Optimizing communication in Time-Warp simulators
M Chetlur, N Abu-Gazaleh, R Radhakrishnan, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of the twelfth workshop on Parallel and distributed simulation …, 1998
Adaptive bounded time windows in an optimistically synchronized simulator
AC Palaniswamy, PA Wilsey
[1993] Proceedings Third Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI-Design Automation of …, 1993
Lock-free pending event set management in time warp
S Gupta, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced …, 2014
Design and performance evaluation of binary code packing for protecting embedded software against reverse engineering
MJ Kim, JY Lee, HY Chang, SJ Cho, Y Park, M Park, PA Wilsey
2010 13th IEEE International Symposium on Object/Component/Service-Oriented …, 2010
SAVANT/TyVIS/WARPED: Components for the analysis and simulation of VHDL
PA Wilsey, DE Martin, K Subramani
Proceedings International Verilog HDL Conference and VHDL International …, 1998
Scheduling Time Warp processes using adaptive control techniques
AC Palaniswamy, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of Winter Simulation Conference, 731-738, 1994
Simulation of ultra-large communication networks
DM Rao, PA Wilsey
MASCOTS'99. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Modeling …, 1999
Event pool structures for PDES on many-core Beowulf clusters
T Dickman, S Gupta, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSIM Conference on Principles of Advanced …, 2013
Adaptive checkpoint intervals in an optimistically synchronised parallel digital system simulator
AC Palaniswamy, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of the IFIP TC10/WG 10.5 International Conference on Very Large …, 1993
Analysis and simulation of mixed-technology VLSI systems
DE Martin, R Radhakrishnan, DM Rao, M Chetlur, K Subramani, ...
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 62 (3), 468-493, 2002
A framework for performance analysis of parallel discrete event simulators
V Balakrishnan, P Frey, NB Abu-Ghazaleh, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of the 29th conference on Winter simulation, 429-436, 1997
Process combination to increase event granularity in parallel logic simulation
TJ McBrayer, PA Wilsey
Proceedings of 9th International Parallel Processing Symposium, 572-578, 1995
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