Akbar Esfahanipour
Akbar Esfahanipour
Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering, Amirkabir University of Technology
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Decision making in stock trading: An application of PROMETHEE
A Albadvi, SK Chaharsooghi, A Esfahanipour
European journal of operational research 177 (2), 673-683, 2007
Human health and safety risks management in underground coal mines using fuzzy TOPSIS
S Mahdevari, K Shahriar, A Esfahanipour
Science of the Total Environment 488, 85-99, 2014
Adapted neuro-fuzzy inference system on indirect approach TSK fuzzy rule base for stock market analysis
A Esfahanipour, W Aghamiri
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (7), 4742-4748, 2010
A genetic programming model to generate risk-adjusted technical trading rules in stock markets
A Esfahanipour, S Mousavi
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (7), 8438-8445, 2011
A novel approach to dynamic portfolio trading system using multitree genetic programming
S Mousavi, A Esfahanipour, MHF Zarandi
Knowledge-Based Systems 66, 68-81, 2014
Effect of network relations on the adoption of electronic trading systems
AR Montazemi, JJ Siam, A Esfahanipour
Journal of Management Information Systems 25 (1), 233-266, 2008
An uncertainty based multi-criteria ranking system for open pit mining cut-off grade strategy selection
Y Azimi, M Osanloo, A Esfahanipour
Resources Policy 38 (2), 212-223, 2013
A novel multi period mean-VaR portfolio optimization model considering practical constraints and transaction cost
H Babazadeh, A Esfahanipour
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 361, 313-342, 2019
Identifying the variables of intellectual capital and its dimensions with the approach of structural equations in the educational technology of Iran
A Bakhsha, A Afrazeh, A Esfahanipour
EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 14 (5 …, 2018
Evaluation of the mining projects under economic uncertainties using multidimensional binomial tree
H Dehghani, M Ataee-pour, A Esfahanipour
Resources Policy 39, 124-133, 2014
A quantitative approach for analysis of macroeconomic resilience due to socio-economic shocks
HR Soufi, A Esfahanipour, MA Shirazi
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 79, 101101, 2022
Forecasting turning points in stock price by applying a novel hybrid CNN-LSTM-ResNet model fed by 2D segmented images
P Khodaee, A Esfahanipour, HM Taheri
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 116, 105464, 2022
A new NN-PSO hybrid model for forecasting Euro/Dollar exchange rate volatility
E Hajizadeh, M Mahootchi, A Esfahanipour, MM Kh
Neural Computing and Applications 31 (7), 2063–2071, 2019
An ANFIS model for stock price prediction: The case of Tehran stock exchange
A Esfahanipour, P Mardani
2011 International Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and …, 2011
Risk reduction through enhancing risk management by resilience
HR Soufi, A Esfahanipour, MA Shirazi
International journal of disaster risk reduction 64, 102497, 2021
A robust behavioral portfolio selection: model with investor attitudes and biases
O Momen, A Esfahanipour, A Seifi
Operational Research 20 (1), 427-446, 2020
Analysis and forecasting of IPO underpricing
A Esfahanipour, M Goodarzi, R Jahanbin
Neural Computing and Applications 27, 651-658, 2016
Selection of the open pit mining cut-off grade strategy under price uncertainty using a risk based multi-criteria ranking system
Y Azimi, M Osanloo, A Esfahanipour
Archives of Mining Sciences 57 (3), 741-768, 2012
Collective mental accounting: an integrated behavioural portfolio selection model for multiple mental accounts
O Momen, A Esfahanipour, A Seifi
Quantitative Finance 19 (2), 265-275, 2019
MGP-INTACTSKY: Multitree Genetic Programming-based learning of INTerpretable and ACcurate TSK sYstems for dynamic portfolio trading
S Mousavi, A Esfahanipour, MHF Zarandi
Applied soft computing 34, 449-462, 2015
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