Don I. Cummings
Don I. Cummings
DCGeo Consulting / Adjunct Research Professor, Carleton University
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Buried-valley aquifers in the Canadian Prairies: geology, hydrogeology, and origin
DI Cummings, HAJ Russell, DR Sharpe
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 49 (9), 987-1004, 2012
Growth-faulted shelf-margin deltas: a new (but old) play type, offshore Nova Scotia
DI Cummings, RWC Arnott
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 53 (3), 211-236, 2005
Fine-grained versus coarse-grained wave ripples generated experimentally under large-scale oscillatory flow
DI Cummings, S Dumas, RW Dalrymple
Journal of Sedimentary Research 79 (2), 83-93, 2009
Sequence stratigraphy of a glaciated basin fill, with a focus on esker sedimentation
DI Cummings, G Gorrell, JP Guilbault, JA Hunter, C Logan, ...
Bulletin 123 (7-8), 1478-1496, 2011
Tidal signatures in a shelf-margin delta
DI Cummings, RWC Arnott, BS Hart
Geology 34 (4), 249-252, 2006
Architecture of buried valleys in glaciated Canadian Prairie regions based on high resolution geophysical data
AJM Pugin, GA Oldenborger, DI Cummings, HAJ Russell, DR Sharpe
Quaternary Science Reviews 86, 13-23, 2014
The tide-dominated Han River Delta, Korea: Geomorphology, sedimentology, and stratigraphic architecture
D Cummings, R Dalrymple, K Choi, J Jin
Elsevier, 2015
Sedimentology and stratigraphy of a thick, areally extensive fluvial–marine transition, Missisauga Formation, offshore Nova Scotia, and its correlation with shelf margin and …
DI Cummings, BS Hart, RWC Arnott
Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology 54 (2), 152-174, 2006
Genesis of dispersal plumes in till
RLB Hooke, DI Cummings, JE Lesemann, DR Sharpe
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 50 (8), 847-855, 2013
Eskers as mineral exploration tools
DI Cummings, BA Kjarsgaard, HAJ Russell, DR Sharpe
Earth-Science Reviews 109 (1-2), 32-43, 2011
The Vars-Winchester esker aquifer, South Nation River watershed, Ontario
DI Cummings, HAJ Russell
Geological Survey of Canada Open File, 75, 2007
Late Wisconsinan sedimentation in the Québec City region: evidence for energetic subaqueous fan deposition during initial deglaciation
D Cummings, S Occhietti
Géographie physique et Quaternaire 55 (3), 257-273, 2001
Integrated data sets from a buried valley borehole, Champlain Sea basin, Kinburn, Ontario
BE Medioli, S Alpay, HL Crow, DI Cummings, MJ Hinton, RD Knight, ...
Curr. Res., 995-1010, 2012
Surficial geology
DE Kerr, RD Knight, DR Sharpe, DI Cummings, BA Kjarsgaard
Walmsley Lake, Northwest Territories, NTS, 2014
Buried valleys and till in the Canadian Prairies: geology, hydrogeology, and origin
DI Cummings, HAJ Russell, DR Sharpe
Geological Survey of Canada, 2012
A semi-automated esker detection method (EDM) for improved quantification of glaciated landscapes
D Broscoe, DI Cummings, HAJ Russell, DR Sharpe
Geological Survey of Canada, 2011
Surficial geology, Point Lake, District of Mackenzie, Northwest Territories
Geological Survey of Canada, DE Kerr, BC Ward, LP Renaud
Geological Survey of Canada, 1996
Reconnaissance surficial geology
DE Kerr, R Knight, D Sharpe, D Cummings
Lynx Lake, Northwest Territories, NTS, 2014
Deglacial history of the Champlain Sea basin and implications for urbanization
HAJ Russell, GR Brooks, DI Cummings
Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 6947, 1-96, 2011
Hydrostratigraphic model of the South Nation watershed region, south-eastern Ontario
C Logan, DI Cummings, S Pullan, A Pugin, HAJ Russell, DR Sharpe
Geological Survey of Canada, 2009
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