Taiba Saeed
Taiba Saeed
Assistant Professor, Integral University, Lucknow
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Proteomic and physiological assessment of stress sensitive and tolerant variety of tomato treated with brassinosteroids and hydrogen peroxide under low-temperature stress
TA Khan, M Yusuf, A Ahmad, Z Bashir, T Saeed, Q Fariduddin, S Hayat, ...
Food chemistry 289, 500-511, 2019
Historical perspective and basic principles of plant tissue culture
A Shahzad, S Sharma, S Parveen, T Saeed, A Shaheen, R Akhtar, ...
Plant biotechnology: principles and applications, 1-36, 2017
Plant tissue culture: applications in plant improvement and conservation
A Shahzad, S Parveen, S Sharma, A Shaheen, T Saeed, V Yadav, ...
Plant Biotechnology: principles and applications, 37-72, 2017
High frequency plant regeneration in Indian Siris via cyclic somatic embryogenesis with biochemical, histological and SEM investigations
T Saeed, A Shahzad
Industrial Crops and Products 76, 623-637, 2015
High-frequency clonal propagation, encapsulation of nodal segments for short-term storage and germplasm exchange of Ficus carica L.
S Sharma, A Shahzad, S Mahmood, T Saeed
Trees 29, 345-353, 2015
High frequency conversion of non-embryogenic synseeds and assessment of genetic stability through ISSR markers in Gymnema sylvestre
T Saeed, A Shahzad, N Ahmad, S Parveen
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 134, 163-168, 2018
Liquiritin elicitation can increase the content of medicinally important glucosinolates and phenolic compounds in Chinese kale plants
W Akram, T Saeed, A Ahmad, NA Yasin, M Akbar, WU Khan, S Ahmed, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 100 (4), 1616-1624, 2020
Metabolic and Proteomic Perspectives of Augmentation of Nutritional Contents and Plant Defense in Vigna unguiculata
A Ahmad, TA Khan, S Mubeen, I Shahzadi, W Akram, T Saeed, Z Bashir, ...
Biomolecules 10 (2), 224, 2020
Melatonin improved efficiency of 24-epibrassinolide to counter the collective stress of drought and salt through osmoprotectant and antioxidant system in pea plants
M Yusuf, T Saeed, HA Almenhali, F Azzam, AIAH Hamzah, TA Khan
Scientia Horticulturae 323, 112453, 2024
Studies on single and double layered biocompatible encapsulation of somatic embryos in Albizia lebbeck and genetic homogeneity appraisal among synseed …
T Saeed, A Shahzad, S Sharma
Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture (PCTOC) 140, 431-445, 2020
Plant biotechnology: principles and applications
A Shahzad, S Sharma, S Parveen, T Saeed, A Shaheen, R Akhtar, ...
Plant Biotechnology: Principles and Applications, 1-36, 2017
Tylophora indica (Burm. f.) Merrill: Medicinal Uses, Propagation, and Replenishment
A Shahzad, A Upadhyay, S Sharma, T Saeed
Biotechnological strategies for the conservation of medicinal and ornamental …, 2016
Basic principles behind genetic transformation in plants
T Saeed, A Shahzad
Biotechnological strategies for the conservation of medicinal and ornamental …, 2016
Isolation and characterization of native cowpea rhizobia from Wayanad India
D Girija, PS Panchami, PE Jose, T Saeed, SS Nair
Legume Research-An International Journal 43 (1), 126-133, 2020
Exploring the effects of selenium and brassinosteroids on photosynthesis and protein expression patterns in tomato plants under low temperatures
T Saeed, TA Khan, A Ahmad, M Yusuf, S Kappachery, Q Fariduddin, ...
Plants 12 (19), 3351, 2023
In Vitro Conservation Protocols for Some Rare Medicinal Plant Species
A Shahzad, T Saeed
Recent trends in biotechnology and therapeutic applications of medicinal …, 2013
Hydrogen sulfide counteract copper induced inhibition of photosynthetic performance through altered proline metabolism and enhanced antioxidants in Cucumis sativus
M Yusuf, T Saeed, HJ Almarri, TA Khan, M Faizan, N Elsayed
Plant Stress 10, 100222, 2023
Glyphosate: is brassinosteroids application a remedy?
T Saeed, A Ahmad, MTA Khan, I Shahzadi
Brassinosteroids Signalling: Intervention with Phytohormones and Their …, 2022
The production of high-value secondary metabolites through hairy root transformation in the presence of brassinosteroids
T Saeed, A Shahzad, V Yadav
Brassinosteroids Signalling: Intervention with Phytohormones and Their …, 2022
Advances in Molecular Approaches for the Integrative Genetic Transformation of Highly Important Climbers
T Saeed, A Shahzad
Biotechnological strategies for the conservation of medicinal and ornamental …, 2016
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