Dr. Lalita Saharan
Dr. Lalita Saharan
Senior Research Fellow, University of Exeter, UK
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Impact of different Nd-rich crystal-phases on the coercivity of Nd–Fe–B grain ensembles
G Hrkac, TG Woodcock, KT Butler, L Saharan, MT Bryan, T Schrefl, ...
Scripta Materialia 70, 35-38, 2014
Nanoscale switch for vortex polarization mediated by Bloch core formation in magnetic hybrid systems
P Wohlhüter, MT Bryan, P Warnicke, S Gliga, SE Stevenson, G Heldt, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7836, 2015
Modeling of Nd-oxide grain boundary phases in Nd-Fe-B sintered magnets
G Hrkac, K Butler, TG Woodcock, L Saharan, T Schrefl, O Gutfleisch
JOM 66, 1138-1143, 2014
Angle dependence of the switching field of recording media at finite temperatures
L Saharan, C Morrison, JJ Miles, T Thomson, T Schrefl, G Hrkac
Journal of applied physics 110 (10), 2011
Inter/intra granular exchange and thermal activation in nanoscale granular magnetic materials
C Morrison, L Saharan, G Hrkac, T Schrefl, Y Ikeda, K Takano, JJ Miles, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (13), 2011
Grain boundaries in granular materials—A fundamental limit for thermal stability
L Saharan, C Morrison, Y Ikeda, K Takano, JJ Miles, T Thomson, T Schrefl, ...
Applied Physics Letters 102 (14), 2013
Quantifying exchange coupling in segregated granular materials
C Morrison, L Saharan, Y Ikeda, K Takano, G Hrkac, T Thomson
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46 (47), 475002, 2013
Modelling interfacial coupling in thin film magnetic exchange springs at finite temperature
L Saharan, C Morrison, JJ Miles, T Thomson, T Schrefl, G Hrkac
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (15), 2013
Magnetic vortex core oscillations in multi point contact spin valve stacks
G Hrkac, D Hahn, L Saharan, T Schrefl, JV Kim, T Devolder, C Chappert
IEEE transactions on magnetics 48 (11), 3811-3813, 2012
Effect of Fe under layer in ultrathin FeRh films
CW Barton, L Saharan, G Hrkac, T Thomson
2015 IEEE International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG), 1-1, 2015
The potential contribution of fecal pellets from large copepods to the flux of biogenic silica and particulate organic carbon in the Antarctic Polar Front region near 170° W
G Hrkac, K Butler, TG Woodcock, L Saharan, T Schrefl, O Gutfleisch
JOM-Journal of the Minerals, Metals and Materials Society 1, 169, 2014
Simulation of exchange spring recording medias
L Saharan
University of Sheffield, 2013
Simulation of Exchange Spring Recording Media Thin Films
L Saharan
University of Sheffield, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 2013
Vortex dynamics and core reversal by spin waves in metallic double point contact nanopillars
G Hrkac, L Saharan, JV Kim, T Devolder, C Chappert, M Manfrini, ...
Current-driven vortex dynamics in metallic nanocontacts
G Hrkac, J Dean, L Saharan, M Bashir, T Schrefl, J Kim, T Devolder, ...
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Straipsniai 1–15