Jinming Wen
Jinming Wen
College of Information Science and Technology, Jinan University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A sharp condition for exact support recovery with orthogonal matching pursuit
J Wen, Z Zhou, J Wang, X Tang, Q Mo
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (6), 1370 - 1382, 2017
Multi-Carrier -ary DCSK System With Code Index Modulation: An Efficient Solution for Chaotic Communications
G Cai, Y Fang, J Wen, S Mumtaz, Y Song, V Frascolla
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 13 (6), 1375-1386, 2019
Solving large-scale many-objective optimization problems by covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy with scalable small subpopulations
H Chen, R Cheng, J Wen, H Li, J Weng
Information Sciences 509, 457-469, 2020
Swarm robotics control and communications: Imminent challenges for next generation smart logistics
J Wen, L He, F Zhu
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (7), 102-107, 2018
Stable recovery of sparse signals via lp-minimization
J Wen, D Li, F Zhu
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 38 (1), 161-176, 2015
Sharp sufficient conditions for stable recovery of block sparse signals by block orthogonal matching pursuit
J Wen, Z Zhou, Z Liu, MJ Lai, X Tang
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 47 (3), 948-974, 2019
Nearly Optimal Bounds for Orthogonal Least Squares
J Wen, J Wang, Q Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (20), 5347-5356, 2017
New security mechanisms of high-reliability IoT communication based on radio frequency fingerprint
Q Tian, Y Lin, X Guo, J Wen, Y Fang, J Rodriguez, S Mumtaz
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 6 (5), 7980-7987, 2019
Prompt as triggers for backdoor attack: Examining the vulnerability in language models
S Zhao, J Wen, LA Tuan, J Zhao, J Fu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.01219, 2023
Joint antenna selection and spatial switching for energy efficient MIMO SWIPT system
J Tang, DKC So, A Shojaeifard, KK Wong, J Wen
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (7), 4754-4769, 2017
A note on compact finite difference method for reaction–diffusion equations with delay
D Li, C Zhang, J Wen
Applied Mathematical Modelling 39 (5-6), 1749-1754, 2015
Sparse signal recovery with minimization of 1-norm minus 2-norm
J Wen, J Weng, C Tong, C Ren, Z Zhou
IEEE Transactions on vehicular technology 68 (7), 6847-6854, 2019
Big data processing workflows oriented real-time scheduling algorithm using task-duplication in geo-distributed clouds
H Chen, J Wen, W Pedrycz, G Wu
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 6 (1), 131-144, 2018
Effects of the LLL reduction on the success probability of the Babai point and on the complexity of sphere decoding
XW Chang, J Wen, X Xie
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 59 (8), 4915-4926, 2013
Success probability of the Babai estimators for box-constrained integer linear models
J Wen, XW Chang
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 63 (1), 631-648, 2016
A new analysis for support recovery with block orthogonal matching pursuit
H Li, J Wen
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 26 (2), 247-251, 2018
Energy-efficient device-to-device edge computing network: An approach offloading both traffic and computation
J Wen, C Ren, AK Sangaiah
IEEE communications magazine 56 (9), 96-102, 2018
A construction of multiple optimal ZCZ sequence sets with good cross correlation
Z Zhou, D Zhang, T Helleseth, J Wen
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 64 (2), 1340-1346, 2017
QoS-aware buffer-aided relaying implant WBAN for healthcare IoT: Opportunities and challenges
G Cai, Y Fang, J Wen, G Han, X Yang
IEEE Network 33 (4), 96-103, 2019
A novel sufficient condition for generalized orthogonal matching pursuit
J Wen, Z Zhou, D Li, X Tang
IEEE Communications Letters 21 (4), 805-808, 2016
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