Inferences of predictability associated with warm season precipitation episodes RE Carbone, JD Tuttle, DA Ahijevych, SB Trier Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 59 (13), 2033-2056, 2002 | 654 | 2002 |
Aboveground biomass density models for NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar mission L Duncanson, JR Kellner, J Armston, R Dubayah, DM Minor, S Hancock, ... Remote Sensing of Environment 270, 112845, 2022 | 279 | 2022 |
The soil moisture active passive experiments (SMAPEx): Toward soil moisture retrieval from the SMAP mission R Panciera, JP Walker, TJ Jackson, DA Gray, MA Tanase, D Ryu, ... IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 52 (1), 490-507, 2013 | 228 | 2013 |
Linking Earth Observation and taxonomic, structural and functional biodiversity: Local to ecosystem perspectives A Lausch, L Bannehr, M Beckmann, C Boehm, H Feilhauer, JM Hacker, ... Ecological Indicators 70, 317-339, 2016 | 222 | 2016 |
Tropical island convection in the absence of significant topography. Part I: Life cycle of diurnally forced convection RE Carbone, JW Wilson, TD Keenan, JM Hacker Monthly weather review 128 (10), 3459-3480, 2000 | 169 | 2000 |
A sub-continental scale living laboratory: Spatial patterns of savanna vegetation over a rainfall gradient in northern Australia LB Hutley, J Beringer, PR Isaac, JM Hacker, LA Cernusak Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (11), 1417-1428, 2011 | 164 | 2011 |
The NAFE'05/CoSMOS data set: Toward SMOS soil moisture retrieval, downscaling, and assimilation R Panciera, JP Walker, JD Kalma, EJ Kim, JM Hacker, O Merlin, M Berger, ... IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 46 (3), 736-745, 2008 | 143 | 2008 |
The maritime continent—thunderstorm experiment (MCTEX): overview and some results T Keenan, S Rutledge, R Carbone, J Wilson, T Takahashi, P May, ... Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 81 (10), 2433-2456, 2000 | 126 | 2000 |
Fire in Australian savannas: from leaf to landscape J Beringer, LB Hutley, D Abramson, SK Arndt, P Briggs, M Bristow, ... Global change biology 21 (1), 62-81, 2015 | 122 | 2015 |
A complete sea-breeze circulation cell derived from aircraft observations K Finkele, JM Hacker, H Kraus, RAD Byron-Scott Boundary-layer meteorology 73 (3), 299-317, 1995 | 120 | 1995 |
A new source for high spatial resolution night time images—The EROS-B commercial satellite N Levin, K Johansen, JM Hacker, S Phinn Remote Sensing of Environment 149, 1-12, 2014 | 116 | 2014 |
Land-atmosphere interaction in a semiarid region: The bunny fence experiment TJ Lyons, P Schwerdtfeger, JM Hacker, IJ Foster, RCG Smith, H Xinmei Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 74 (7), 1327-1334, 1993 | 115 | 1993 |
The NAFE’06 data set: Towards soil moisture retrieval at intermediate resolution O Merlin, JP Walker, JD Kalma, EJ Kim, J Hacker, R Panciera, R Young, ... Advances in Water Resources 31 (11), 1444-1455, 2008 | 110 | 2008 |
The vertical distribution of radon in clear and cloudy daytime terrestrial boundary layers AG Williams, W Zahorowski, S Chambers, A Griffiths, JM Hacker, ... Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 68 (1), 155-174, 2011 | 105 | 2011 |
The composite shape and structure of coherent eddies in the convective boundary layer AG Williams, JM Hacker Boundary-layer meteorology 61, 213-245, 1992 | 103 | 1992 |
Patterns and processes of carbon, water and energy cycles across northern Australian landscapes: From point to region J Beringer, LB Hutley, JM Hacker, B Neininger Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151 (11), 1409-1416, 2011 | 99 | 2011 |
Analysis of full-waveform LiDAR data for classification of an orange orchard scene KD Fieber, IJ Davenport, JM Ferryman, RJ Gurney, JP Walker, JM Hacker ISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 82, 63-82, 2013 | 86 | 2013 |
Airborne multi-temporal L-band polarimetric SAR data for biomass estimation in semi-arid forests MA Tanase, R Panciera, K Lowell, S Tian, JM Hacker, JP Walker Remote Sensing of Environment 145, 93-104, 2014 | 78 | 2014 |
Aboriginal artefacts on the continental shelf reveal ancient drowned cultural landscapes in northwest Australia J Benjamin, M O’Leary, J McDonald, C Wiseman, J McCarthy, E Beckett, ... PloS one 15 (7), e0233912, 2020 | 77 | 2020 |
An observational aircraft-based study of sea-breeze frontogenesis H Kraus, JM Hacker, J Hartmann Boundary-layer meteorology 53 (3), 223-265, 1990 | 77 | 1990 |