Seneviratne HN
Seneviratne HN
Senior Professor
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The stability of shallow tunnels and underground openings in cohesive material
EH Davis, MJ Gunn, RJ Mair, HN Seneviratine
geotechnique 30 (4), 397-416, 1980
Numerical modelling of consolidation and evaporation of slurried mine tailings
NH Seneviratne, M Fahey, TA Newson, Y Fujiyasu
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 1996
Deformation and pore pressure variation aound tunnels in soft clay
HN Seneviratne
Phd. thesis, Cambridge University, 1979
A review of models for predicting the thermomechanical behaviour of soft clays
HN Seneviratne, JP Carter, DW Airey, JR Booker
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 1993
Analysis of fully coupled thermomechanical behaviour around a rigid cylindrical heat source buried in clay
HN Seneviratne, JP Carter, JR Booker
International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics …, 1994
Evaluation of plastic limit and plasticity index by cone penetrometer
J Kodikara, HN Seneviratne, CV Wijayakulasooryia
Proc., Asian Regional Symp. on Geotechnical Problems and Practices in …, 1986
Discussion of “Using a small ring and a fall-cone to determine the plastic limit” by Tao-Wei Feng
J Kodikara, HN Seneviratne, CV Wijayakulasooryia
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental engineering 132 (2), 276-278, 2006
Seismicity around Sri Lanka from historical records and its engineering implications
HN Seneviratne, LRK Perera, KK Wijesundara, RMS Dananjaya, ...
Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka 53 (2), 2020
A Study on Factors Influencing the Determination of Moisture Content of Fibrous Peat
PT Shien, HN Seneviratne, DSA Ismail
Journal of Civil Engineering, Science and Technology 2 (2), 39-47, 2011
Seismic response of Sri Lanka using PSHA technique
SB Uduweriya, KK Wijesundara, PBR Dissanayake, KAS Susantha, ...
Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka 53 (2), 2020
Determination of response spectra for Sri Lankan cities using finite difference method
RMS Dananjaya, KK Wijesundara, HN Seneviratne, PBR Dissanayake
Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka 53 (3), 2020
A macro seismic hazard zonation for Sri Lanka
HN Seneviratne, KK Wijesundara, LRK Perera, PBR Dissanayake
Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka 53 (3), 2020
Geotechnical aspects of natural hazards: Sri Lankan experience
HN Seneviratne, H Ratnaweera, RMS Bandara
Geotechnical Engineering For Disaster Mitigation And Rehabilitation: (With …, 2005
Some factors influencing the consolidation behaviour of mine tailings
N Seneviratne, T Newson, M Fahey, Y Fujiyasu
Some factors influencing the consolidation behaviour of mine tailings, 459-464, 1995
Predicted and observed time-dependent deformations around shallow model tunnels in soft clay
HN Seneviratne, MJ Gunn
International conference on numerical methods in geomechanics, 1135-1139, 1985
Behaviour of Laterally Loaded Piles
JA Ananthanathan, S Gajan, T Kanagalingam, HN Seneviratne
Sri Lanka: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Peradeniya, 2001
Seismic response of Sri Lanka using DSHA technique
DR Weerasinghe, HN Seneviratne, LC Kurukulasuriya, KK Wijesundara
Engineer: Journal of the Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka 53 (2), 2020
Field calibration of an analytical model for pavement friction testing applications
HN Seneviratne, MPN Rajapakshe, M Gunaratne
Journal of Testing and Evaluation 37 (1), 21-30, 2009
Monitoring of surface movements of Beragala landslide in Sri Lanka.
AK Dissanayake, HN Seneviratne, HJ Edirisinghe, SBS Abayakoon
Subsidence and Stability Analysis of a Landslide in Sri Lanka
HN Seneviratne, MSM Ilmudeen
Tenth Southeast Asian Geotechnical Conference, April, Taipei, 1990
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