Cesar H. Guzmán Valdivia
Cesar H. Guzmán Valdivia
Doctor en Ciencias en Ingeniería Mecatrónica
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Therapeutic motion analysis of lower limbs using Kinovea
CH Guzmán-Valdivia, A Blanco-Ortega, MA Oliver-Salazar, ...
Int J Soft Comput Eng 3 (2), 2231-307, 2013
Image edge detection using fractional calculus with feature and contrast enhancement
A Nandal, H Gamboa-Rosales, A Dhaka, JM Celaya-Padilla, ...
Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 37, 3946-3972, 2018
Literature review and current trends on transfemoral powered prosthetics
CM Lara-Barrios, A Blanco-Ortega, CH Guzmán-Valdivia, ...
Advanced Robotics 32 (2), 51-62, 2018
HipBot–The design, development and control of a therapeutic robot for hip rehabilitation
CH Guzmán-Valdivia, A Blanco-Ortega, MA Oliver-Salazar, ...
Mechatronics 30, 55-64, 2015
Diseño y control de un sistema interactivo para la rehabilitación de tobillo: TobiBot
CH Guzmán Valdivia, JL Carrera Escobedo, A Blanco Ortega, ...
Ingeniería mecánica, tecnología y desarrollo 5 (1), 255-264, 2014
Arduino: a Novel Solution to the Problem of High-Cost Experimental Equipment in Higher Education
M Guzmán-Fernández, M Zambrano de la Torre, J Ortega-Sigala, ...
Experimental Techniques, 1-13, 2021
A novel method for dried chili pepper classification using artificial intelligence
O Cruz-Domínguez, JL Carrera-Escobedo, CH Guzmán-Valdivia, ...
Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 3, 100099, 2021
Computational fluid dynamics analysis for improving temperature distribution in a chili dryer
EJL Carrera, RA Ortiz, VCH Guzman, RMA Garcia, OO Desiga
Thermal Science 22 (6 Part A), 2615-2623, 2018
Contralateral asymmetry for breast cancer detection: a CADx approach
JM Celaya-Padilla, CH Guzmán-Valdivia, CE Galván-Tejada, ...
Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering 38 (1), 115-125, 2018
Observer design for sensor and actuator fault estimation applied to polynomial LPV systems: A riderless bicycle study case
JA Brizuela Mendoza, FDJ Sorcia Vázquez, CH Guzmán Valdivia, ...
International Journal of Systems Science 49 (14), 2996-3006, 2018
Reprobación y desinterés en Alumnos de Ingeniería Mecatrónica
CHG Valdivia
Orbis. Revista Científica Ciencias Humanas 9 (25), 33-46, 2013
State of the art review of active and passive knee orthoses
A Barrera Sánchez, A Blanco Ortega, E Martínez Rayón, ...
Machines 10 (10), 865, 2022
Design, development and control of a portable laboratory for the chili drying process study
CH Guzmán-Valdivia, JL Carrera-Escobedo, MA García-Ruíz, ...
Mechatronics 39, 160-173, 2016
Entendiendo la Mecatrónica en la Rehabilitación
CHG Valdivia, AB Ortega, MAO Salazar
X Congreso Internacional sobre Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico, 1-6, 2013
Turbulent kinetic energy distribution of nutrient solution flow in nft hydroponic systems using computational fluid dynamics
CH Guzmán-Valdivia, J Talavera-Otero, O Désiga-Orenday
AgriEngineering 1 (2), 283-290, 2019
Modelado y simulación de un robot terapéutico para la rehabilitación de miembros inferiores
CH Guzmán Valdivia, A Blanco Ortega, MA Oliver Salazar, ...
Revista Ingeniería Biomédica 7 (14), 42-50, 2013
Design and control of a new parallel robot for the rehabilitation of the hip-knee
FAG Becerra, AB Ortega, CDG Beltran, CG Valdivia, ROD Arcega
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (5), 1314-1319, 2018
Design and analysis of a new robotic mechanism for lower limbs rehabilitation
CHG Valdivia, AB Ortega, MAO Salazar, JLC Escobedo
2013 International Conference on Mechatronics, Electronics and Automotive …, 2013
Análisis cinemático de un robot terapéutico para la rehabilitación de miembros inferiores
CH Guzmán-Valdivia, A Blanco-Ortega, MA Oliver-Salazar, ...
Revista de la Ingeniería Industrial 7 (1), 21-30, 2013
Modelo termodinámico de una zona con relaciones para el proceso de combustión en motores alimentados con biogás
JL Carrera-Escobedo, CH Guzmán-Valdivia, A Ortiz-Rivera, ...
Revista mexicana de ingeniería química 12 (3), 649-660, 2013
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