Michael A Akeroyd
Michael A Akeroyd
University of Nottingham and MRC Institute of Hearing Research
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
“Sparse” temporal sampling in auditory fMRI
DA Hall, MP Haggard, MA Akeroyd, AR Palmer, AQ Summerfield, ...
Human brain mapping 7 (3), 213-223, 1999
Are individual differences in speech reception related to individual differences in cognitive ability? A survey of twenty experimental studies with normal and hearing-impaired …
MA Akeroyd
International journal of audiology 47 (sup2), S53-S71, 2008
A short form of the Speech, Spatial and Qualities of Hearing scale suitable for clinical use: The SSQ12
W Noble, NS Jensen, G Naylor, N Bhullar, MA Akeroyd
International journal of audiology 52 (6), 409-412, 2013
Spectral and temporal processing in human auditory cortex
DA Hall, IS Johnsrude, MP Haggard, AR Palmer, MA Akeroyd, ...
Cerebral Cortex 12 (2), 140-149, 2002
Amplification with hearing aids for patients with tinnitus and co‐existing hearing loss
DJ Hoare, M Edmondson‐Jones, M Sereda, MA Akeroyd, D Hall
Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2014
The psychoacoustics of binaural hearing: La psicoacústica de la audición binaural
MA Akeroyd
International journal of audiology 45 (sup1), 25-33, 2006
Critical phase distractions in anaesthesia and the sterile cockpit concept
MA Broom, AL Capek, P Carachi, MA Akeroyd, G Hilditch
Anaesthesia 66 (3), 175-179, 2011
Modulation and task effects in auditory processing measured using fMRI
DA Hall, MP Haggard, MA Akeroyd, AQ Summerfield, AR Palmer, ...
Human brain mapping 10 (3), 107-119, 2000
The contribution of head movement to the externalization and internalization of sounds
WO Brimijoin, AW Boyd, MA Akeroyd
PloS one 8 (12), e83068, 2013
Tinnitus prevalence in Europe: a multi-country cross-sectional population study
R Biswas, A Lugo, MA Akeroyd, W Schlee, S Gallus, DA Hall
The Lancet Regional Health–Europe 12, 2022
The G lasgow B enefit I nventory: a systematic review of the use and value of an otorhinolaryngological generic patient‐recorded outcome measure
J Hendry, A Chin, IRC Swan, MA Akeroyd, GG Browning
Clinical Otolaryngology 41 (3), 259-275, 2016
Two-eared listening in dynamic situations: Audición con dos oídos en situaciones dinámicas
S Gatehouse, M Akeroyd
International journal of audiology 45 (sup1), 120-124, 2006
International Collegium of Rehabilitative Audiology (ICRA) recommendations for the construction of multilingual speech tests: ICRA Working Group on Multilingual Speech Tests
MA Akeroyd, S Arlinger, RA Bentler, A Boothroyd, N Dillier, WA Dreschler, ...
International journal of audiology 54 (sup2), 17-22, 2015
Variations in the slope of the psychometric functions for speech intelligibility: A systematic survey
A MacPherson, MA Akeroyd
Trends in hearing 18, 2331216514537722, 2014
Functional magnetic resonance imaging measurements of sound-level encoding in the absence of background scanner noise
DA Hall, MP Haggard, AQ Summerfield, MA Akeroyd, AR Palmer, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109 (4), 1559-1570, 2001
Sensitivity to brief changes of interaural time and interaural intensity
LR Bernstein, C Trahiotis, MA Akeroyd, K Hartung
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 109 (4), 1604-1615, 2001
Clarity-2021 challenges: Machine learning challenges for advancing hearing aid processing
SN Graetzer, J Barker, TJ Cox, M Akeroyd, JF Culling, G Naylor, E Porter, ...
Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the International Speech …, 2021
A binaural analog of gap detection
MA Akeroyd, AQ Summerfield
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 105 (5), 2807-2820, 1999
A factor analysis of the SSQ (Speech, Spatial, and Qualities of Hearing Scale)
MA Akeroyd, FH Guy, DL Harrison, SL Suller
International journal of audiology 53 (2), 101-114, 2014
A data-driven synthesis of research evidence for domains of hearing loss, as reported by adults with hearing loss and their communication partners
V Vas, MA Akeroyd, DA Hall
Trends in hearing 21, 2331216517734088, 2017
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