Christopher L Soles
Highly Porous Polyhedral Silsesquioxane Polymers. Synthesis and Characterization
AFY Chunxin Zhang, Florence Babonneau, Christian
JACS 120, 8380, 1998
A discussion of the molecular mechanisms of moisture transport in epoxy resins
CL Soles, AF Yee
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 38 (5), 792-802, 2000
Inverse vulcanization of elemental sulfur to prepare polymeric electrode materials for Li–S batteries
AG Simmonds, JJ Griebel, J Park, KR Kim, WJ Chung, VP Oleshko, J Kim, ...
ACS Macro Letters 3 (3), 229-232, 2014
Molecular order in high-efficiency polymer/fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells
MR Hammond, RJ Kline, AA Herzing, LJ Richter, DS Germack, HW Ro, ...
ACS nano 5 (10), 8248-8257, 2011
Fast dynamics and stabilization of proteins: binary glasses of trehalose and glycerol
MT Cicerone, CL Soles
Biophysical journal 86 (6), 3836-3845, 2004
Correlations between mechanical and electrical properties of polythiophenes
B O’Connor, EP Chan, C Chan, BR Conrad, LJ Richter, RJ Kline, ...
ACS nano 4 (12), 7538-7544, 2010
Contributions of the nanovoid structure to the moisture absorption properties of epoxy resins
CL Soles, FT Chang, BA Bolan, HA Hristov, DW Gidley, AF Yee
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 36 (17), 3035-3048, 1998
Effect of confinement on structure, water solubility, and water transport in Nafion thin films
SA Eastman, S Kim, KA Page, BW Rowe, S Kang, CL Soles, KG Yager
Macromolecules 45 (19), 7920-7930, 2012
Contributions of the nanovoid structure to the kinetics of moisture transport in epoxy resins
CL Soles, FT Chang, DW Gidley, AF Yee
Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 38 (5), 776-791, 2000
Moisture absorption and absorption kinetics in polyelectrolyte films: influence of film thickness
BD Vogt, CL Soles, HJ Lee, EK Lin, W Wu
Langmuir 20 (4), 1453-1458, 2004
Moisture absorption into ultrathin hydrophilic polymer films on different substrate surfaces
BD Vogt, CL Soles, HJ Lee, EK Lin, W Wu
Polymer 46 (5), 1635-1642, 2005
Direct measurement of the reaction front in chemically amplified photoresists
EK Lin, CL Soles, DL Goldfarb, BC Trinque, SD Burns, RL Jones, ...
Science 297 (5580), 372-375, 2002
Elemental sulfur and molybdenum disulfide composites for Li–S batteries with long cycle life and high-rate capability
PT Dirlam, J Park, AG Simmonds, K Domanik, CB Arrington, JL Schaefer, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (21), 13437-13448, 2016
Poly(3-hexylthiophene) and [6,6]-Phenyl-C61-butyric Acid Methyl Ester Mixing in Organic Solar Cells
HW Ro, B Akgun, BT O’Connor, M Hammond, RJ Kline, CR Snyder, ...
Macromolecules 45 (16), 6587-6599, 2012
Anisotropic, hierarchical surface patterns via surface wrinkling of nanopatterned polymer films
JH Lee, HW Ro, R Huang, P Lemaillet, TA Germer, CL Soles, CM Stafford
Nano letters 12 (11), 5995-5999, 2012
Real-time shape evolution of nanoimprinted polymer structures during thermal annealing
RL Jones, T Hu, CL Soles, EK Lin, RM Reano, SW Pang, DM Casa
Nano Letters 6 (8), 1723-1728, 2006
Comparative specular x-ray reflectivity, positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy, and incoherent neutron scattering measurements of the dynamics in thin polycarbonate films
CL Soles, JF Douglas, W Wu, H Peng, DW Gidley
Macromolecules 37 (8), 2890-2900, 2004
Silsesquioxane derived hard, hydrophobic and thermally stable thin films and coatings for tailorable protective and multi-structured surfaces and interfaces
RM Laine, CL Soles, DJ Krug III, HW Ro, VN Popova-Gueorguieva
US Patent 8,535,761, 2013
Interfacial effects on moisture absorption in thin polymer films
BD Vogt, CL Soles, RL Jones, CY Wang, EK Lin, W Wu, SK Satija, ...
Langmuir 20 (13), 5285-5290, 2004
Correlations between ion conductivity and polymer dynamics in hyperbranched poly (ethylene oxide) electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries
SI Lee, M Schomer, H Peng, KA Page, D Wilms, H Frey, CL Soles, ...
Chemistry of Materials 23 (11), 2685-2688, 2011
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