Megan Klaar
Megan Klaar
Associate Professor, University of Leeds
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The current state of the use of large wood in river restoration and management
RC Grabowski, AM Gurnell, L Burgess‐Gamble, J England, D Holland, ...
Water and Environment Journal 33 (3), 366-377, 2019
Major flood disturbance alters river ecosystem evolution
AM Milner, AL Robertson, MJ McDermott, MJ Klaar, LE Brown
Nature Climate Change 3 (2), 137-141, 2013
Can high resolution 3D topographic surveys provide reliable grain size estimates in gravel bed rivers?
E Pearson, MW Smith, MJ Klaar, LE Brown
Geomorphology 293, 143-155, 2017
Vegetation succession in deglaciated landscapes: implications for sediment and landscape stability
MJ Klaar, C Kidd, E Malone, R Bartlett, G Pinay, FS Chapin, A Milner
Earth surface processes and Landforms 40 (8), 1088-1100, 2015
Stream solute tracer timescales changing with discharge and reach length confound process interpretation
NM Schmadel, AS Ward, MJ Kurz, JH Fleckenstein, JP Zarnetske, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (4), 3227-3245, 2016
The potential of large woody debris to alter biogeochemical processes and ecosystem services in lowland rivers
S Krause, MJ Klaar, DM Hannah, J Mant, J Bridgeman, M Trimmer, ...
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 1 (3), 263-275, 2014
Autumnal habitat use of non-native pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus and associations with native fish species in small English streams
M Klaar, GH Copp, R Horsfield
FOLIA ZOOLOGICA-PRAHA- 53 (2), 189-202, 2004
The impact of extreme events on freshwater ecosystems
I Jones, C Abrahams, L Brown, K Dale, F Edwards, M Jeffries, M Klaar, ...
British Ecological Society, 2013
Woody debris is related to reach‐scale hotspots of lowland stream ecosystem respiration under baseflow conditions
PJ Blaen, MJ Kurz, JD Drummond, JLA Knapp, C Mendoza‐Lera, ...
Ecohydrology 11 (5), e1952, 2018
Estimation of freshwater runoff into Glacier Bay, Alaska and incorporation into a tidal circulation model
DF Hill, SJ Ciavola, L Etherington, MJ Klaar
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 82 (1), 95-107, 2009
River ecosystem resilience to extreme flood events
AM Milner, JL Picken, MJ Klaar, AL Robertson, LR Clitherow, L Eagle, ...
Ecology and evolution 8 (16), 8354-8363, 2018
The development of hydraulic and geomorphic complexity in recently formed streams in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska
MJ Klaar, I Maddock, AM Milner
River Research and Applications 25 (10), 1331-1338, 2009
Decline in Ecosystem δ13C and Mid-Successional Nitrogen Loss in a Two-Century Postglacial Chronosequence
ET Malone, BW Abbott, MJ Klaar, C Kidd, M Sebilo, AM Milner, G Pinay
Ecosystems 21, 1659-1675, 2018
Interactions between instream wood and hydrogeomorphic development within recently deglaciated streams in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska
MJ Klaar, DF Hill, I Maddock, AM Milner
Geomorphology 130 (3-4), 208-220, 2011
Anthropogenic climate change has influenced global river flow seasonality
H Wang, J Liu, M Klaar, A Chen, L Gudmundsson, J Holden
Science 383 (6686), 1009-1014, 2024
Stream ecosystem responses to an extreme rainfall event across multiple catchments in southeast A laska
AL Robertson, LE Brown, MJ Klaar, AM Milner
Freshwater Biology 60 (12), 2523-2534, 2015
Developing hydroecological models to inform environmental flow standards: a case study from England
MJ Klaar, MJ Dunbar, M Warren, R Soley
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 1 (2), 207-217, 2014
Impacts of water level on metabolism and transient storage in vegetated lowland rivers: Insights from a mesocosm study
MJ Kurz, JD Drummond, E Martí, JP Zarnetske, J Lee‐Cullin, MJ Klaar, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122 (3), 628-644, 2017
Enhanced hyporheic exchange flow around woody debris does not increase nitrate reduction in a sandy streambed
F Shelley, M Klaar, S Krause, M Trimmer
Biogeochemistry 136, 353-372, 2017
Land management in a post‐Brexit UK: An opportunity for integrated catchment management to deliver multiple benefits?
MJ Klaar, S Carver, P Kay
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 7 (5), e1479, 2020
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