Carrie Des Roches
Carrie Des Roches
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Effectiveness of an impairment-based individualized rehabilitation program using an iPad-based software platform
CA Des Roches, I Balachandran, EM Ascenso, Y Tripodis, S Kiran
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8, 2014
Development of an impairment-based individualized treatment workflow using an iPad-based software platform
S Kiran, C Des Roches, I Balachandran, E Ascenso
Seminars in Speech and Language 35 (01), 038-050, 2014
Technology-based rehabilitation to improve communication after acquired brain injury
CA Des Roches, S Kiran
Frontiers in Neuroscience 11, 382, 2017
Comparison of therapy practice at home and in the clinic: a retrospective analysis of the constant therapy platform data set
J Godlove, V Anantha, M Advani, C Des Roches, S Kiran
Frontiers in Neurology 10, 140, 2019
How does severity of aphasia influence individual responsiveness to rehabilitation? Using big data to understand theories of aphasia rehabilitation
S Kiran
Seminars in speech and language 37 (01), 048-060, 2016
Relationship between self-administered cues and rehabilitation outcomes in individuals with aphasia: understanding individual responsiveness to a technology-based …
CA Des Roches, A Mitko, S Kiran
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11, 07, 2017
The effect of a sentence comprehension treatment on discourse comprehension in aphasia
S Kiran, C Des Roches, S Villard, Y Tripodis
Aphasiology 29 (11), 1289-1311, 2015
Evaluating treatment and generalization patterns of two theoretically motivated sentence comprehension therapies
CA Des Roches, S Vallila-Rohter, S Villard, Y Tripodis, D Caplan, S Kiran
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 25 (4S), S743-S757, 2016
Validation of an iPad based therapy for language and cognitive rehabilitation in individuals with brain damage
S Kiran, C Des Roches, I Balanchandran, E Ascenso
A novel approach to intensive cognitive communication rehabilitation for young adults with acquired brain injury
K Ross, N Ross, N Gilmore, C Des Roches, S Kiran
BRAIN INJURY 31 (6-7), 920-921, 2017
The multidimensional nature of aphasia: using factors beyond language to predict treatment outcomes
N Gilmore, J Johnson, E Meier, C Des Roches, S Kiran
Front Hum Neurosci 11 (85), 10.3389, 2017
Using big-data to validate theories of rehabilitation in aphasia
S Kiran, C Des Roches
53rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Aphasia in Tucson, AZ, 2015
Predicting Gains From Aphasia Rehabilitation Using Measures of Language and Cognition
J Johnson, E Meier, N Gilmore, C Des Roches, S Kiran
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 98 (10), e15-e16, 2017
Predicting Language Recovery Outcomes in Individuals with Aphasia
C Des Roches, R Marotta, S Kiran
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 97 (10), e58, 2016
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Boston University
S Kiran, C Des Roches, I Balachandran, E Ascenso
The effect of a sentence comprehension treatment on discourse comprehension in aphasia. Kiran, S., Des Roches, C., Villard, S., & Tripodis, Y. Swathi Kiran* Aphasia Research …
C Des Roches
Supplementary Material Effectiveness of an impairment-based individualized rehabilitation program using an iPad-based software platform
C Des Roches, I Balachandran, E Ascenso, Y Tripodis, S Kiran
Effectiveness of an impairment-based individualized treatment program using an iPad-based software platform
C Des, I Balachandran, E Ascenso, Y Tripodis, S Kiran
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