Yong Hoon Kim
Yong Hoon Kim
Associate Professor of Oceanography, West Chester University of Pennsylvania
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Machine learning approaches to coastal water quality monitoring using GOCI satellite data
YH Kim, J Im, HK Ha, JK Choi, S Ha
GIScience & Remote Sensing 51 (2), 158-174, 2014
The physical processes in the Yellow Sea
JH Hwang, SP Van, BJ Choi, YS Chang, YH Kim
Ocean & Coastal Management 102, 449-457, 2014
Tracing floating green algae blooms in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea using GOCI satellite data and Lagrangian transport simulations
YB Son, BJ Choi, YH Kim, YG Park
Remote Sensing of Environment 156, 21-33, 2015
Holocene transgressive stratigraphy of a macrotidal flat in the southeastern Yellow Sea; Gomso Bay, Korea
YH Kim, HJ Lee, SS Chun, SJ Han, SK Chough
Journal of Sedimentary Research 69 (2), 328-337, 1999
Estimation of high-resolution sediment concentration profiles in bottom boundary layer using pulse-coherent acoustic Doppler current profilers
HK Ha, JPY Maa, K Park, YH Kim
Marine Geology 279 (1-4), 199-209, 2011
Remote sensing and water quality indicators in the Korean West coast: Spatio-temporal structures of MODIS-derived chlorophyll-a and total suspended solids
HC Kim, S Son, YH Kim, JS Khim, J Nam, WK Chang, JH Lee, CH Lee, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 121 (1-2), 425-434, 2017
Application of satellite remote sensing in monitoring dissolved oxygen variabilities: A case study for coastal waters in Korea
YH Kim, S Son, HC Kim, B Kim, YG Park, J Nam, J Ryu
Environment international 134, 105301, 2020
Fluxes and sources of suspended organic matter in an estuarine turbidity maximum region during low discharge conditions
MA Goni, MW Cathey, YH Kim, G Voulgaris
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 63 (4), 683-700, 2005
Impact of poleward moisture transport from the North Pacific on the acceleration of sea ice loss in the Arctic since 2002
HJ Lee, MO Kwon, SW Yeh, YO Kwon, W Park, JH Park, YH Kim, ...
Journal of Climate 30 (17), 6757-6769, 2017
Lateral circulation and suspended sediment transport in a curved estuarine channel: Winyah Bay, SC, USA
YH Kim, G Voulgaris
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 113 (C9), 2008
Estimation of suspended sediment concentration in estuarine environments using acoustic backscatter from an ADCP
YH Kim, G Voulgaris
Proceedings of Coastal Sediments 3, 1-10, 2003
Composition and fluxes of particulate organic matter in a temperate estuary (Winyah Bay, South Carolina, USA) under contrasting physical forcings
MA Goñi, G Voulgaris, YH Kim
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 85 (2), 273-291, 2009
Characterization of spatial and temporal variation of suspended sediments in the Yellow and East China Seas using satellite ocean color data
SH Son, YH Kim, JI Kwon, HC Kim, KS Park
GIScience & Remote Sensing 51 (2), 212-226, 2014
Oil fate and mass balance for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill
DP French-McCay, K Jayko, Z Li, ML Spaulding, D Crowley, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 171, 112681, 2021
Effect of channel bifurcation on residual estuarine circulation: Winyah Bay, South Carolina
YH Kim, G Voulgaris
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 65 (4), 671-686, 2005
Rapidly changing East Asian marine heatwaves under a warming climate
S Lee, MS Park, M Kwon, YG Park, YH Kim, N Choi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 128 (6), e2023JC019761, 2023
Seasonal variability of estuarine dynamics due to freshwater discharge and its influence on biological productivity in Yeongsan River Estuary, Korea
YH Kim, S Hong, YS Song, H Lee, HC Kim, J Ryu, J Park, BO Kwon, ...
Chemosphere 181, 390-399, 2017
Development of environmental impact monitoring protocol for offshore carbon capture and storage (CCS): A biological perspective
H Kim, YH Kim, SG Kang, YG Park
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 57, 139-150, 2016
Late Holocene distal mud deposits off the Nakdong delta, SE Korea: evidence for shore-parallel sediment transport in a current-dominated setting
JH Chun, Y Kim, JJ Bahk, YJ Kim, DH Kang, YH Kim, GY Kim, BJ Ryu
Geo-Marine Letters 35, 475-485, 2015
Validation of oil fate and mass balance for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Evaluation of water column partitioning
DP French-McCay, HJ Robinson, ML Spaulding, Z Li, M Horn, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 173, 113064, 2021
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