Iman Khodarahmi
Iman Khodarahmi
New York University School of Medicine
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Metal about the hip and artifact reduction techniques: from basic concepts to advanced imaging
I Khodarahmi, A Isaac, EK Fishman, D Dalili, J Fritz
Seminars in musculoskeletal radiology 23 (03), e68-e81, 2019
The value of 3 tesla field strength for musculoskeletal magnetic resonance imaging
I Khodarahmi, J Fritz
Investigative Radiology 56 (11), 749-763, 2021
Society of Skeletal Radiology–white paper. Guidelines for the diagnostic management of incidental solitary bone lesions on CT and MRI in adults: bone reporting and data system …
CY Chang, HW Garner, S Ahlawat, B Amini, MD Bucknor, JA Flug, ...
Skeletal radiology 51 (9), 1743-1764, 2022
Reliability of distal tibio-fibular syndesmotic instability measurements using weightbearing and non-weightbearing cone-beam CT
GM Osgood, D Shakoor, J Orapin, J Qin, I Khodarahmi, GK Thawait, ...
Foot and Ankle Surgery 25 (6), 771-781, 2019
Modern low-field MRI of the musculoskeletal system: practice considerations, opportunities, and challenges
I Khodarahmi, MB Keerthivasan, IM Brinkmann, D Grodzki, J Fritz
Investigative radiology 58 (1), 76-87, 2023
Metal artifact reduction computed tomography of arthroplasty implants: effects of combined modeled iterative reconstruction and dual-energy virtual monoenergetic extrapolation …
I Khodarahmi, RR Haroun, M Lee, GSK Fung, MK Fuld, LC Schon, ...
Investigative radiology 53 (12), 728-735, 2018
Dedicated CT and MRI techniques for the evaluation of the postoperative knee
I Khodarahmi, EK Fishman, J Fritz
Seminars in musculoskeletal radiology 22 (04), 444-456, 2018
New-generation low-field magnetic resonance imaging of hip arthroplasty implants using slice encoding for metal artifact correction: first in vitro experience at 0.55 T and …
I Khodarahmi, IM Brinkmann, DJ Lin, M Bruno, PM Johnson, F Knoll, ...
Investigative radiology 57 (8), 517-526, 2022
Leaps in technology: advanced MR imaging after total hip arthroplasty
I Khodarahmi, M Nittka, J Fritz
Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology 21 (05), 604-615, 2017
Advanced MR imaging after total hip arthroplasty: the clinical impact
I Khodarahmi, J Fritz
Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology 21 (05), 616-629, 2017
Heating of hip arthroplasty implants during metal artifact reduction MRI at 1.5-and 3.0-T field strengths
I Khodarahmi, S Rajan, R Sterling, K Koch, J Kirsch, J Fritz
Investigative radiology 56 (4), 232-243, 2021
Needle heating during interventional magnetic resonance imaging at 1.5-and 3.0-T field strengths
I Khodarahmi, LW Bonham, CR Weiss, J Fritz
Investigative radiology 55 (6), 396-404, 2020
In vitro validation of flow measurement with phase contrast MRI at 3 tesla using stereoscopic particle image velocimetry and stereoscopic particle image velocimetry‐based …
I Khodarahmi, M Shakeri, M Kotys‐Traughber, S Fischer, MK Sharp, ...
Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 39 (6), 1477-1485, 2014
Imaging spectrum of calvarial abnormalities
I Khodarahmi, H Alizai, M Chalian, EF Alaia, CJ Burke, SE Slasky, ...
Radiographics 41 (4), 1144-1163, 2021
The effect of 2.1 T static magnetic field on astrocyte viability and morphology
I Khodarahmi, H Mobasheri, M Firouzi
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 28 (6), 903-909, 2010
Immunogenicity of recombinant hepatitis B virus vaccine in patients with and without chronic hepatitis C virus infection: a case-control study
NE Daryani, M Nassiri-Toosi, A Rashidi, I Khodarahmi
World Journal of Gastroenterology: WJG 13 (2), 294, 2007
Cartilage imaging in osteoarthritis
H Alizai, W Walter, I Khodarahmi, CJ Burke
Seminars in Musculoskeletal Radiology 23 (05), 569-578, 2019
Nonlinear modeling of the atrioventricular node physiology in atrial fibrillation
A Rashidi, I Khodarahmi
Journal of theoretical biology 232 (4), 545-549, 2005
A flexible MRI coil based on a cable conductor and applied to knee imaging
B Wang, SS Siddiq, J Walczyk, M Bruno, I Khodarahmi, IM Brinkmann, ...
Scientific reports 12 (1), 15010, 2022
Metal artifacts of hip arthroplasty implants at 1.5-T and 3.0-T: a closer look into the B1 effects
I Khodarahmi, J Kirsch, G Chang, J Fritz
Skeletal Radiology 50, 1007-1015, 2021
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