Krzysztof Abramski
Krzysztof Abramski
Wroclaw University of Science andTechnology
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Graphene oxide vs. reduced graphene oxide as saturable absorbers for Er-doped passively mode-locked fiber laser
G Sobon, J Sotor, J Jagiello, R Kozinski, M Zdrojek, M Holdynski, ...
Optics express 20 (17), 19463-19473, 2012
Ultrafast thulium-doped fiber laser mode locked with black phosphorus
J Sotor, G Sobon, M Kowalczyk, W Macherzynski, P Paletko, KM Abramski
Optics letters 40 (16), 3885-3888, 2015
Black phosphorus saturable absorber for ultrashort pulse generation
J Sotor, G Sobon, W Macherzynski, P Paletko, KM Abramski
Applied Physics Letters 107 (5), 2015
Mode-locking in Er-doped fiber laser based on mechanically exfoliated Sb2Te3 saturable absorber
J Sotor, G Sobon, W Macherzynski, P Paletko, K Grodecki, KM Abramski
Optical materials express 4 (1), 1-6, 2013
Mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser based on evanescent field interaction with Sb2Te3 topological insulator
J Sotor, G Sobon, K Grodecki, KM Abramski
Applied Physics Letters 104 (25), 2014
Sub-130 fs mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser based on topological insulator
J Sotor, G Sobon, KM Abramski
Optics express 22 (11), 13244-13249, 2014
Passive harmonic mode-locking in Er-doped fiber laser based on graphene saturable absorber with repetition rates scalable to 2.22 GHz
G Sobon, J Sotor, KM Abramski
Applied Physics Letters 100 (16), 2012
Power scaling of large-area transverse radio frequency discharge CO2 lasers
KM Abramski, AD Colley, HJ Baker, DR Hall
Applied Physics Letters 54 (19), 1833-1835, 1989
Harmonically mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser based on a Sb2Te3 topological insulator saturable absorber
J Sotor, G Sobon, W Macherzynski, KM Abramski
Laser Physics Letters 11 (5), 055102, 2014
All-polarization maintaining femtosecond Er-doped fiber laser mode-locked by graphene saturable absorber
G Sobon, J Sotor, KM Abramski
Laser physics letters 9 (8), 581, 2012
Thulium-doped all-fiber laser mode-locked by CVD-graphene/PMMA saturable absorber
G Sobon, J Sotor, I Pasternak, A Krajewska, W Strupinski, KM Abramski
Optics express 21 (10), 12797-12802, 2013
The influence of process parameters on the laser-induced coloring of titanium
AJ Antończak, B Stępak, PE Kozioł, KM Abramski
Applied Physics A 115 (3), 1003-1013, 2014
Laser-induced colour marking—Sensitivity scaling for a stainless steel
AJ Antończak, D Kocoń, M Nowak, P Kozioł, KM Abramski
Applied Surface Science 264, 229-236, 2013
10 GHz passive harmonic mode-locking in Er–Yb double-clad fiber laser
G Sobon, K Krzempek, P Kaczmarek, KM Abramski, M Nikodem
Optics Communications 284 (18), 4203-4206, 2011
Compact all-fiber figure-9 dissipative soliton resonance mode-locked double-clad Er: Yb laser
K Krzempek, J Sotor, K Abramski
Optics letters 41 (21), 4995-4998, 2016
Multilayer graphene-based saturable absorbers with scalable modulation depth for mode-locked Er-and Tm-doped fiber lasers
G Sobon, J Sotor, I Pasternak, A Krajewska, W Strupinski, KM Abramski
Optical Materials Express 5 (12), 2884-2894, 2015
Linearly polarized, Q-switched Er-doped fiber laser based on reduced graphene oxide saturable absorber
G Sobon, J Sotor, J Jagiello, R Kozinski, K Librant, M Zdrojek, L Lipinska, ...
Applied Physics Letters 101 (24), 2012
All-fiber Ho-doped mode-locked oscillator based on a graphene saturable absorber
J Sotor, M Pawliszewska, G Sobon, P Kaczmarek, A Przewolka, ...
Optics Letters 41 (11), 2592-2595, 2016
Passive synchronization of erbium and thulium doped fiber mode-locked lasers enhanced by common graphene saturable absorber
J Sotor, G Sobon, J Tarka, I Pasternak, A Krajewska, W Strupinski, ...
Optics Express 22 (5), 5536-5543, 2014
All-polarization maintaining, graphene-based femtosecond Tm-doped all-fiber laser
G Sobon, J Sotor, I Pasternak, A Krajewska, W Strupinski, KM Abramski
Optics express 23 (7), 9339-9346, 2015
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