Chris Pullig
Chris Pullig
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Developing and validating measures of facets of customer-based brand equity
RG Netemeyer, B Krishnan, C Pullig, G Wang, M Yagci, D Dean, J Ricks, ...
Journal of business research 57 (2), 209-224, 2004
Conflicts in the work–family interface: Links to job stress, customer service employee performance, and customer purchase intent
RG Netemeyer, JG Maxham III, C Pullig
Journal of marketing 69 (2), 130-143, 2005
Effectiveness of corporate responses to brand crises: The role of crisis type and response strategies
S Dutta, C Pullig
Journal of Business Research 64 (12), 1281-1287, 2011
I need my smartphone: A hierarchical model of personality and cell-phone addiction
JA Roberts, C Pullig, C Manolis
Personality and Individual Differences 79, 13-19, 2015
Survey-software implicit association tests: A methodological and empirical analysis
TP Carpenter, R Pogacar, C Pullig, M Kouril, S Aguilar, J LaBouff, ...
Behavior research methods 51, 2194-2208, 2019
Attitude basis, certainty, and challenge alignment: A case of negative brand publicity
C Pullig, RG Netemeyer, A Biswas
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 34 (4), 528-542, 2006
The recycling cycle: An empirical examination of consumer waste recycling and recycling shopping behaviors
A Biswas, JW Licata, D McKee, C Pullig, C Daughtridge
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 19 (1), 93-105, 2000
Consumer evaluation of low price guarantees: the moderating role of reference price and store image
A Biswas, C Pullig, MI Yagci, DH Dean
Journal of Consumer Psychology 12 (2), 107-118, 2002
Brand dilution: when do new brands hurt existing brands?
C Pullig, CJ Simmons, RG Netemeyer
Journal of Marketing 70 (2), 52-66, 2006
Salesforce automation systems: An exploratory examination of organizational factors associated with effective implementation and salesforce productivity
C Pullig, JG Maxham III, JF Hair Jr
Journal of Business Research 55 (5), 401-415, 2002
Contingent self‐esteem, self‐presentational concerns, and compulsive buying
JA Roberts, C Manolis, C Pullig
Psychology & Marketing 31 (2), 147-160, 2014
The stigma turbine: A theoretical framework for conceptualizing and contextualizing marketplace stigma
AM Mirabito, CC Otnes, E Crosby, DB Wooten, JE Machin, C Pullig, ...
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 35 (2), 170-184, 2016
Low price guarantees as signals of lowest price: The moderating role of perceived price dispersion
A Biswas, S Dutta, C Pullig
Journal of retailing 82 (3), 245-257, 2006
Consumer evaluation of reference price advertisements: Effects of other brands’ prices and semantic cues
A Biswas, C Pullig, BC Krishnan, S Burton
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 18 (1), 52-65, 1999
How gay–straight alliance groups mitigate the relationship between gay-bias victimization and adolescent suicide attempts
B Davis, MBR Stafford, C Pullig
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 53 (12 …, 2014
A signaling theory approach to relationship recovery
H Kharouf, DJ Lund, A Krallman, C Pullig
European Journal of Marketing 54 (9), 2139-2170, 2020
Branding beyond prejudice: Navigating multicultural marketplaces for consumer well-being
E Kipnis, AJ Broderick, C Demangeot, NR Adkins, NS Ferguson, ...
Journal of Business Research 66 (8), 1186-1194, 2013
Institutionalizing diversity-and-inclusion-engaged marketing for multicultural marketplace well-being
E Kipnis, C Demangeot, C Pullig, SNN Cross, CC Cui, C Galalae, ...
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 40 (2), 143-164, 2021
Toward intercultural competency in multicultural marketplaces
C Demangeot, NR Adkins, RD Mueller, GR Henderson, NS Ferguson, ...
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 32 (1_suppl), 156-164, 2013
Consumer ethnicity three decades after: A TCR agenda
LM Visconti, A Jafari, W Batat, A Broeckerhoff, AÖ Dedeoglu, ...
Journal of Marketing Management 30 (17-18), 1882-1922, 2014
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