Assistant Professor Van Yuzuncu Yil University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The effect of water stress and polymer on water use efficiency, yield and several morphological traits of sunflower under greenhouse condition
H Nazarli, MR Zardashti, R Darvishzadeh, S Najafi
Notulae Scientia Biologicae 2 (4), 53-58, 2010
Effect of Chemical Synthesis Silver Nanoparticles on Germination Indices and Seedlings Growth in Seven Varieties of Lycopersicon esculentum Mill (tomato) Plants
S Karami Mehrian, R Heidari, F Rahmani, S Najafi
Journal of Cluster Science 27, 327-340, 2016
Halotolerant Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Isolated From Saline Soil Improve Nitrogen Fixation and Alleviate Salt Stress in Rice Plants
SN Fiqriah Hanum Khumairah, Mieke Rochimi Setiawati, Betty Natalie Fitriatin ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 13 (1), 1-14, 2022
Biofertilizer Application Enhances Drought Stress Tolerance and Alters the Antioxidant Enzymes in Medicinal Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo convar. pepo var. Styriaca)
S Najafi, H Nazari Nasi, R Tuncturk, M Tuncturk, RZ Sayyed, R Amirnia
Horticulturae 7 (12), 588, 2021
Foliar Applications of ZnO and its nanoparticles increase safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) growth and yield under water stress
M Ghiyasi, Y Rezaee Danesh, R Amirnia, S Najafi, JM Mulet, R Porcel
Agronomy 13 (1), 192, 2023
Halotolerant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria isolated from saline soil improve nitrogen fixation and alleviate salt stress. Front Microbiol 13: 905210
FH Khumairah, MR Setiawati, BN Fitriatin, T Simarmata, S Alfaraj, ...
Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Response to Cadmium Stress: Morpho-Physiological Traits and Mineral Concentrations
M Tunçtürk, Y Rezaee Danesh, R Tunçtürk, E Oral, S Najafi, L Nohutçu, ...
Life 13 (1), 135, 2023
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in biotic and abiotic stress conditions: Function and management in horticulture
S Demir, YR Danesh, G Boyno, S Najafi
Sustainable Horticulture, 157-183, 2022
Karyotype characterisation of reputed variety of Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) in West Azerbaijan-Iran
S Najafı, EZ Anakhatoon, MA Bırsın
Journal of Applied Biological Sciences 7 (1), 23-26, 2013
Karyological study on Teheran ecotype of Moldavian balm (Dracocephalum moldavica L.)
R Amirnia, MF Manesh, YR Danesh, S Najafi, N Seyyedi, M Ghiyasi
Journal of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology 1 (1), 29-31, 2017
Using in vitro culturing technique for studying life cycle of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AMF) Glomus intraradices
YR Danesh, S Najafı, S Demır
Yuzuncu Yıl University Journal of Agricultural Sciences 26 (2), 161-167, 2016
Characterization of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities associated withvineyards in northwestern Iran
YR Danesh, K Kariman, N Keskin, S Najafi
Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 46 (3), 271-279, 2022
Tir as a landrace and a sowing method
M Ülker, F Altuner, E Oral, B Özdemir, SJ Salih, S Najafİ
Wheat Diversity and Human Health Congress. Book of Abstracts Istanbul, 26, 2017
The effect of water stress and polymer on water use efficiency, yield and several morphological traits on sunflower
H Nazari, MR Zardashti, R Darvishzadeh, S Najafi
Notulae Scientia Biologicae 2, 53-58, 2010
Estimation of Nuclear DNA Content in Some Aegilops Species: Best Analyzed Using Flow Cytometry
S Najafi, M Ulker, E Oral, R Tuncturk, M Tuncturk, RZ Sayyed, K Perveen, ...
Genes 13 (11), 1980, 2022
Genetic diversity in Persian walnut (Juglans regia L.) seedlings using SSR markers
KV A. Taheri, N. Seyedi, B. Abdollahi Mandoulakani, Gh. Mirzaghaderi, S. Najafi
Journal of Forest Research and Development 8 (1), 13-26, 2022
Biofertilizer application enhances drought stress tolerance and alters the antioxidant enzymes in medicinal pumpkin (C. pepo convar. pepo var. Styriaca). Horticulturae, 7, 588
S Najafi, HN Nasi, R Tuncturk, M Tuncturk, RZ Sayyed, R Amirnia
Using Chromosomal Abnormalities and Germination Traits for the Assessment of Tritipyrum Amphiploid Lines under Seed-Aging and Germination Priming Treatments
M Taghvaei, H Maleki, S Najafi, HS Hassani, YR Danesh, B Farda, L Pace
Sustainability 15 (12), 9505, 2023
Genetic Diversity of Trichoderma harzianum Isolates in Sunflower Rhizosphere: The Application of the URP Molecular Marker
Y Rezaee Danesh, M Pellegrini, K Kariman, G Boyno, R Djebaili, B Farda, ...
Sustainability 14 (22), 15111, 2022
Using nested PCR for detection of seed borne fungi Ustilaginoidea virens in rice fields of Iran
YR Danesh, M Tajbakhsh, S Najafi, R Amirnia, M Ghiyas
Turkey 5th seed congress, 670-672, 2014
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