Filip Ruzicka
Filip Ruzicka
Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA)
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Genome-wide sexually antagonistic variants reveal long-standing constraints on sexual dimorphism in fruit flies
F Ruzicka, MS Hill, TM Pennell, I Flis, FC Ingleby, R Mott, K Fowler, ...
PLoS biology 17 (4), e3000244, 2019
Phylogenetic community ecology of soil biodiversity using mitochondrial metagenomics
C Andújar, P Arribas, F Ruzicka, A Crampton‐Platt, MJTN Timmermans, ...
Molecular Ecology 24 (14), 3603-3617, 2015
The search for sexually antagonistic genes: Practical insights from studies of local adaptation and statistical genomics
F Ruzicka, L Dutoit, P Czuppon, CY Jordan, XY Li, C Olito, A Runemark, ...
Evolution letters 4 (5), 398-415, 2020
Local adaptation and the evolution of inversions on sex chromosomes and autosomes
T Connallon, C Olito, L Dutoit, H Papoli, F Ruzicka, L Yong
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 373 …, 2018
Is the X chromosome a hot spot for sexually antagonistic polymorphisms? Biases in current empirical tests of classical theory
F Ruzicka, T Connallon
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1937), 20201869, 2020
How much does the unguarded X contribute to sex differences in life span?
T Connallon, IJ Beasley, Y McDonough, F Ruzicka
Evolution Letters 6 (4), 319-329, 2022
Polygenic signals of sex differences in selection in humans from the UK Biobank
F Ruzicka, L Holman, T Connallon
PLoS Biology 20 (9), e3001768, 2022
Evolving plastic responses to external and genetic environments
M Reuter, MF Camus, MS Hill, F Ruzicka, K Fowler
Trends in Genetics 33 (3), 169-170, 2017
An unbiased test reveals no enrichment of sexually antagonistic polymorphisms on the human X chromosome
F Ruzicka, T Connallon
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1967), 20212314, 2022
Ultrasonic monitoring to assess the impacts of forest conversion on Solomon Island bats
TE Davies, F Ruzicka, T Lavery, CL Walters, N Pettorelli
Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 2 (2), 107-118, 2016
Sex differences in deleterious mutational effects in Drosophila melanogaster: combining quantitative and population genetic insights
F Ruzicka, T Connallon, M Reuter
Genetics 219 (3), iyab143, 2021
A non-coding indel polymorphism in the fruitless gene of Drosophila melanogaster exhibits antagonistically pleiotropic fitness effects
MD Jardine, F Ruzicka, C Diffley, K Fowler, M Reuter
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1950), 20202958, 2021
Reconciling theories of dominance with the relative rates of adaptive substitution on sex chromosomes and autosomes
Y McDonough, F Ruzicka, T Connallon
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (44), e2406335121, 2024
The genetics and evolutionary dynamics of sexually antagonistic polymorphisms in Drosophila melanogaster
F Ruzicka
UCL (University College London), 2018
A century of theories of balancing selection
F Ruzicka, MK Zwoinska, D Goedert, H Kokko, XYL Richter, I Moodie, ...
bioRxiv, 2025.02. 12.637871, 2025
Evolutionary genetics: Dissecting a sexually antagonistic polymorphism
F Ruzicka, M Reuter
Current Biology 32 (15), R828-R830, 2022
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