Jordi Diaz
Jordi Diaz
Geo3Bcn - CSIC
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Global quieting of high-frequency seismic noise due to COVID-19 pandemic lockdown measures
T Lecocq, SP Hicks, K Van Noten, K Van Wijk, P Koelemeijer, ...
Science 369 (6509), 1338-1343, 2020
Seismic anisotropy as an indicator of mantle flow beneath the Himalayas and Tibet
A Hirn, M Jiang, M Sapin, J Diaz, A Nercessian, QT Lu, JC Lépine, DN Shi, ...
Nature 375 (6532), 571-574, 1995
Roots of Etna volcano in faults of great earthquakes
A Hirn, R Nicolich, J Gallart, M Laigle, L Cernobori, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 148 (1-2), 171-191, 1997
The deep roots of the western Pyrenees revealed by full waveform inversion of teleseismic P waves
Y Wang, S Chevrot, V Monteiller, D Komatitsch, F Mouthereau, ...
Geology 44 (6), 475-478, 2016
Crustal image of the Ionian basin and its Calabrian margins
L Cernobori, A Hirn, JH McBride, R Nicolich, L Petronio, M Romanelli
Tectonophysics 264 (1-4), 175-189, 1996
Urban seismology: On the origin of earth vibrations within a city
J Díaz, M Ruiz, PS Sánchez-Pastor, P Romero
Scientific reports 7 (1), 15296, 2017
Seismic evidence of Alpine crustal thickening and wedging from the western Pyrenees to the Cantabrian Mountains (north Iberia)
D Pedreira, JA Pulgar, J Gallart, J Díaz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B4), 2003
Seismic evidence for the presence of Jurassic oceanic crust in the central Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberian margin)
V Sallarès, A Gailler, MA Gutscher, D Graindorge, R Bartolomé, E Gracia, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 311 (1-2), 112-123, 2011
Crustal root beneath the Urals: Wide-angle seismic evidence
R Carbonell, A Pérez-Estaún, J Gallart, J Diaz, S Kashubin, J Mechie, ...
Science 274 (5285), 222-224, 1996
Crustal structure beneath the Iberian Peninsula and surrounding waters: A new compilation of deep seismic sounding results
J Díaz, J Gallart
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 173 (1-2), 181-190, 2009
A deep seismic sounding investigation of lithospheric heterogeneity and anisotropy beneath the Iberian Peninsula
ID Group, J Díaz, J Gallart, D Córdoba, L Senos, L Matias, E SuriÑach, ...
Tectonophysics 221 (1), 35-51, 1993
Mount Etna dense array local earthquake P and S tomography and implications for volcanic plumbing
M Laigle, A Hirn, M Sapin, JC Lépine, J Diaz, J Gallart, R Nicolich
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B9), 21633-21646, 2000
The deep seismic reflection MARCONI-3 profile: Role of extensional Mesozoic structure during the Pyrenean contractional deformation at the eastern part of the Bay of Biscay
O Ferrer, E Roca, B Benjumea, JA Munoz, N Ellouz, T MARCONI
Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (8), 714-730, 2008
High‐resolution imaging of the Pyrenees and Massif Central from the data of the PYROPE and IBERARRAY portable array deployments
S Chevrot, A Villaseñor, M Sylvander, S Benahmed, E Beucler, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 119 (8), 6399-6420, 2014
Mantle dynamics beneath the Gibraltar Arc (western Mediterranean) from shear‐wave splitting measurements on a dense seismic array
J Diaz, J Gallart, A Villaseñor, F Mancilla, A Pazos, D Córdoba, JA Pulgar, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 37 (18), 2010
Modes of raising northeastern Tibet probed by explosion seismology
A Galvé, A Hirn, J Mei, J Gallart, B de Voogd, JC Lépine, J Diaz, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 203 (1), 35-43, 2002
Perturbation to the lithosphere along the hotspot track of La Réunion from an offshore‐onshore seismic transect
J Gallart, L Driad, P Charvis, M Sapin, A Hirn, J Diaz, B de Voogd, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 104 (B2), 2895-2908, 1999
The non-cylindrical crustal architecture of the Pyrenees
S Chevrot, M Sylvander, J Diaz, R Martin, F Mouthereau, G Manatschal, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 9591, 2018
Crustal thickening and variations in architecture from the Qaidam basin to the Qang Tang (North–Central Tibetan Plateau) from wide-angle reflection seismology
M Jiang, A Galvé, A Hirn, B De Voogd, M Laigle, HP Su, J Diaz, JC Lépine, ...
Tectonophysics 412 (3-4), 121-140, 2006
High resolution Moho topography map beneath Iberia and Northern Morocco from receiver function analysis
F de Lis Mancilla, J Diaz
Tectonophysics 663, 203-211, 2015
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