Rosane Barbosa Lopes Cavalcante
Rosane Barbosa Lopes Cavalcante
Instituto Tecnológico Vale
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Evaluation of extreme rainfall indices from CHIRPS precipitation estimates over the Brazilian Amazonia
RBL Cavalcante, DB da Silva Ferreira, PRM Pontes, RG Tedeschi, ...
Atmospheric Research 238 (1 July 2020), 104879, 2020
Opposite effects of climate and land use changes on the annual water balance in the Amazon arc of deforestation
RBL Cavalcante, PRM Pontes, PWM Souza‐Filho, EB De Souza
Water Resources Research 55 (4), 3092-3106, 2019
Challenges and opportunities for large-scale reforestation in the Eastern Amazon using native species
S Nunes, M Gastauer, RBL Cavalcante, SJ Ramos, CF Caldeira Jr, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 466, 118120, 2020
Water balance in paired watersheds with eucalyptus and degraded grassland in Pampa biome
JM Reichert, MF Rodrigues, JJZ Peláez, R Lanza, JPG Minella, JG Arnold, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 237, 282-295, 2017
The role of protected and deforested areas in the hydrological processes of Itacaiúnas River Basin, eastern Amazonia
PRM Pontes, RBL Cavalcante, PK Sahoo, RO da Silva Júnior, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 235, 489-499, 2019
Ocorrência de Escherichia coli em fontes de água e pontos de consumo em uma comunidade rural
RBL Cavalcante
Revista Ambiente & Água 9, 550-558, 2014
Quantifying the effects of Eucalyptus plantations and management on water resources at plot and catchment scales
AC Almeida, PJ Smethurst, A Siggins, RBL Cavalcante, N Borges Jr
Hydrological Processes 30 (25), 4687-4703, 2016
Quantification of sediment source contributions in two paired catchments of the Brazilian Pampa using conventional and alternative fingerprinting approaches
ML Valente, JM Reichert, C Legout, T Tiecher, RBL Cavalcante, O Evrard
Hydrological Processes 34 (13), 2965-2986, 2020
Afforestation of degraded grasslands reduces sediment transport and may contribute to streamflow regulation in small catchments in the short-run
ML Valente, JM Reichert, RBL Cavalcante, JPG Minella, O Evrard, ...
Catena 204, 105371, 2021
Event-based hydrology and sedimentation in paired watersheds under commercial eucalyptus and grasslands in the Brazilian Pampa biome
ED Ebling, JM Reichert, JJZ Peláez, MF Rodrigues, ML Valente, ...
International Soil and Water Conservation Research 9 (2), 180-194, 2021
Coarse and fine sediment sources in nested watersheds with eucalyptus forest
MF Rodrigues, JM Reichert, RA Burrow, EMM Flores, JPG Minella, ...
Land degradation & development 29 (8), 2237-2253, 2018
Forecasting frost risk in forest plantations by the combination of spatial data and machine learning algorithms
ÉS Diniz, AS Lorenzon, NLM de Castro, GE Marcatti, OP dos Santos, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 306, 108450, 2021
Water budget fluxes in catchments under grassland and Eucalyptus plantations of different ages
DOC Ferreto, JM Reichert, RBL Cavalcante, R Srinivasan
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51 (4), 513-523, 2021
Rainfall partitioning in young clonal plantations Eucalyptus species in a subtropical environment, and implications for water and forest management
DOC Ferreto, JM Reichert, RBL Cavalcante, R Srinivasan
International Soil and Water Conservation Research 9 (3), 474-484, 2021
Land‐use intensity of official mineral extraction in the Amazon region: Linking economic and spatial data
PWM Souza‐Filho, F de Lucia Lobo, R Barbosa Lopes Cavalcante, ...
Land Degradation & Development 32 (4), 1706-1717, 2021
The sustainability index of the physical mining Environment in protected areas, Eastern Amazon
PWM Souza-Filho, RBL Cavalcante, WR Nascimento Jr, S Nunes, ...
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators 8, 100074, 2020
Effects of climate change on hydrology in the most relevant mining basin in the Eastern Legal Amazon
PRM Pontes, RBL Cavalcante, TC Giannini, CPW Costa, RG Tedeschi, ...
Water 14 (9), 1416, 2022
Potential for forest restoration and deficit compensation in Itacaiúnas watershed, southeastern Brazilian Amazon
S Nunes, RBL Cavalcante, WR Nascimento Jr, PWM Souza-Filho, ...
Forests 10 (5), 439, 2019
Multicriteria approach to prioritize forest restoration areas for biodiversity conservation in the eastern Amazon
RBL Cavalcante, S Nunes, S Viademonte, CMF Rodrigues, WC Gomes, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 318, 115590, 2022
Experimental catchments in the Pampa biome: Database on hydrology in grasslands and eucalyptus plantations in subtropical Brazil
JM Reichert, JC de Deus Junior, N Borges Junior, RBL Cavalcante
Hydrological Processes 35 (8), e14285, 2021
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