José Domingos Ribeiro Neto
José Domingos Ribeiro Neto
Professor of Ecology at Univesidade Federal da Paraíba
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Chronic anthropogenic disturbance causes homogenization of plant and ant communities in the Brazilian Caatinga
JD Ribeiro-Neto, X Arnan, M Tabarelli, IR Leal
Biodiversity and conservation 25, 943-956, 2016
Increased anthropogenic disturbance and aridity reduce phylogenetic and functional diversity of ant communities in Caatinga dry forest
X Arnan, GB Arcoverde, MR Pie, JD Ribeiro-Neto, IR Leal
Science of the Total Environment 631, 429-438, 2018
Leaf-cutting ant populations profit from human disturbances in tropical dry forest in Brazil
FFS Siqueira, JD Ribeiro-Neto, M Tabarelli, AN Andersen, R Wirth, ...
Journal of Tropical Ecology 33 (5), 337-344, 2017
BIOFRAG–a new database for analyzing BIO diversity responses to forest FRAG mentation
M Pfeifer, V Lefebvre, TA Gardner, V Arroyo‐Rodriguez, L Baeten, ...
Ecology and Evolution 4 (9), 1524-1537, 2014
Effects of increasing aridity and chronic anthropogenic disturbance on seed dispersal by ants in Brazilian Caatinga
FMP Oliveira, AN Andersen, X Arnan, JD Ribeiro‐Neto, GB Arcoverde, ...
Journal of Animal Ecology 88 (6), 870-880, 2019
Chronic anthropogenic disturbance as a secondary driver of ant community structure: interactions with soil type in Brazilian Caatinga
FMP Oliveira, JD Ribeiro-Neto, AN Andersen, IR Leal
Environmental Conservation 44 (2), 115-123, 2017
Ants of the Caatinga: diversity, biogeography, and functional responses to anthropogenic disturbance and climate change
IR Leal, JD Ribeiro-Neto, X Arnan, FMP Oliveira, GB Arcoverde, ...
Caatinga: The largest tropical dry forest region in South America, 65-95, 2017
Drought stress drives intraspecific choice of food plants by Atta leaf‐cutting ants
JD Ribeiro Neto, BX Pinho, ST Meyer, R Wirth, IR Leal
Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 144 (2), 209-215, 2012
Taxonomic and functional ant diversity along a secondary successional gradient in a tropical forest
M Rocha‐Ortega, X Arnan, JD Ribeiro‐Neto, IR Leal, ME Favila, ...
Biotropica 50 (2), 290-301, 2018
Human disturbance promotes herbivory by leaf‐cutting ants in the Caatinga dry forest
FFS Siqueira, JD Ribeiro‐Neto, M Tabarelli, AN Andersen, R Wirth, ...
Biotropica 50 (5), 779-788, 2018
Forest edge orientation influences leaf‐cutting ant abundance and plant drought stress in the Brazilian Atlantic forest
JLG da Silva, IL de Holanda Silva, JD Ribeiro‐Neto, R Wirth, IR Leal
Agricultural and forest entomology 20 (3), 358-365, 2018
Aridity, but not disturbance, reduces the specialization and modularity of plant–insect herbivore interaction networks in Caatinga dry forest
PE Santos-Neto, X Arnan, JD Ribeiro-Neto, R Wirth, IR Leal
Journal of Insect Conservation 26 (2), 175-189, 2022
Spatiotemporal responses of ant communities across a disturbance gradient: the role of behavioral traits
ILH Silva, IR Leal, JD Ribeiro-Neto, X Arnan
Insectes Sociaux 66 (4), 623-635, 2019
Aridity and chronic anthropogenic disturbances cause a taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic homogenization of ant communities in a Caatinga dry forest
JD Ribeiro-Neto, FMP Oliveira, GB Arcoverde, M Tabarelli, IR Leal, ...
Biological Conservation 284, 110151, 2023
Biodiversidade da mirmecofauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em uma floresta primária da Serra de Baturité-Ceará
PA Azevedo Filho, LLA Vale, TFC Lavor, JD Ribeiro Neto, MVC Melo, ...
Ciências e Tecnologia 5, 17-29, 2003
Pioneer palm tree as an ecosystem engineer: effects on ant community structure
A Dantas, TAV Dantas, JD Ribeiro‐Neto
Austral Ecology 47 (8), 1553-1568, 2022
O inimigo mora ao lado: a presença de um predador de topo pode exercer efeito sobre a interação mutualística entre formigas e plantas?
CO Di Migueli, PFR Ribeiro, GG Mazzochini, JD Ribeiro-Neto
Livro do curso de campo “Ecologia da Floresta Amazônica”(PEC Peixoto & G …, 2009
Palmeiras pioneiras como engenheiras de ecossistemas: Efeitos sobre a estrutura da comunidade de formigas
A Dantas, TA Vitoriano Dantas, JD Ribeiro‐Neto
Austral Ecology 49 (1), e13393, 2024
Ant community recovery in regenerating Caatinga dry forest following slash-and-burn agriculture
K Bombi-Haedo, FMP Oliveira, X Arnan, JD Ribeiro-Neto, IR Leal
Journal of Arid Environments 227, 105298, 2025
Abiotic niche partitioning among congeneric species in an Atlantic forest fragment
TAV Dantas, A Dantas, J dos Santos Silva, JD Ribeiro-Neto
Journal of Tropical Ecology 41, e1, 2025
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