Pedro Neves
Manual de comportamento organizacional e gestão
Cunha, M.P., Rego, A., Campos e Cunha, R., Cabral-Cardoso, C., Neves, P.
Editora RH, 2014
Leader–member exchange and affective organizational commitment: The contribution of supervisor's organizational embodiment.
R Eisenberger, G Karagonlar, F Stinglhamber, P Neves, TE Becker, ...
Journal of Applied psychology 95 (6), 1085, 2010
Management communication and employee performance: The contribution of perceived organizational support
P Neves, R Eisenberger
Human performance 25 (5), 452-464, 2012
When corporate social responsibility (CSR) increases performance: exploring the role of intrinsic and extrinsic CSR attribution
J Story, P Neves
Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (2), 111-124, 2015
Social exchange processes in organizational change: The roles of trust and control
P Neves, A Caetano
Journal of Change Management 6 (4), 351-364, 2006
Perceived organizational support and risk taking
P Neves, R Eisenberger
Journal of managerial psychology 29 (2), 187-205, 2014
Readiness for change: Contributions for employee's level of individual change and turnover intentions
P Neves
Journal of change management 9 (2), 215-231, 2009
Commitment to change: Contributions to trust in the supervisor and work outcomes
P Neves, A Caetano
Group & Organization Management 34 (6), 623-644, 2009
Organizational cynicism: Spillover effects on supervisor–subordinate relationships and performance
P Neves
The Leadership Quarterly 23 (5), 965-976, 2012
Ethical leadership and reputation: Combined indirect effects on organizational deviance
P Neves, J Story
Journal of Business Ethics 127, 165-176, 2015
Reducing intentions to resist future change: Combined effects of commitment‐based HR practices and ethical leadership
P Neves, P Almeida, MJ Velez
Human Resource Management 57 (1), 249-261, 2018
Job insecurity and work outcomes: The role of psychological contract breach and positive psychological capital
S Costa, P Neves
Work & Stress 31 (4), 375-394, 2017
Multilevel impacts of iron in the brain: the cross talk between neurophysiological mechanisms, cognition, and social behavior
A Ferreira, P Neves, R Gozzelino
Pharmaceuticals 12 (3), 126, 2019
Building commitment to change: The role of perceived supervisor support and competence
P Neves
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 20 (4), 437-450, 2011
When stressors make you work: Mechanisms linking challenge stressors to performance
MG González-Morales, P Neves
Work & Stress 29 (3), 213-229, 2015
Taking it out on survivors: Submissive employees, downsizing, and abusive supervision
P Neves
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 87 (3), 507-534, 2014
Forgiving is good for health and performance: How forgiveness helps individuals cope with the psychological contract breach
SP Costa, P Neves
Journal of Vocational Behavior 100, 124-136, 2017
Organizational Improvisation: From the Constraint of Strict Tempo to the Power of the Avant‐Garde
M Pina e Cunha, S Clegg, A Rego, P Neves
Creativity and innovation management 23 (4), 359-373, 2014
Smells like team spirit: Opening a paradoxical black box
T Silva, MP Cunha, SR Clegg, P Neves, A Rego, RA Rodrigues
human relations 67 (3), 287-310, 2014
Tales of the unexpected: Discussing improvisational learning
MP Cunha, P Neves, SR Clegg, A Rego
Management Learning 46 (5), 511-529, 2015
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