L. Peter Wessels
L. Peter Wessels
Owner/DGA WE Consult Vianen BV
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Membrane fouling and process performance of forward osmosis membranes on activated sludge
ER Cornelissen, D Harmsen, KF De Korte, CJ Ruiken, JJ Qin, H Oo, ...
Journal of membrane science 319 (1-2), 158-168, 2008
The membrane fouling simulator: a practical tool for fouling prediction and control
JS Vrouwenvelder, JAM Van Paassen, LP Wessels, AF Van Dam, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 281 (1-2), 316-324, 2006
Selection of anionic exchange resins for removal of natural organic matter (NOM) fractions
ER Cornelissen, N Moreau, WG Siegers, AJ Abrahamse, LC Rietveld, ...
Water research 42 (1-2), 413-423, 2008
Periodic air/water cleaning for control of biofouling in spiral wound membrane elements
ER Cornelissen, JS Vrouwenvelder, SGJ Heijman, XD Viallefont, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 287 (1), 94-101, 2007
The membrane fouling simulator as a new tool for biofouling control of spiral-wound membranes
JS Vrouwenvelder, SM Bakker, LP Wessels, JAM Van Paassen
Desalination 204 (1-3), 170-174, 2007
Zero liquid discharge: Heading for 99% recovery in nanofiltration and reverse osmosis
SGJ Heijman, H Guo, S Li, JC Van Dijk, LP Wessels
Desalination 236 (1-3), 357-362, 2009
The membrane fouling simulator: a suitable tool for prediction and characterisation of membrane fouling
JS Vrouwenvelder, SM Bakker, M Cauchard, R Le Grand, M Apacandie, ...
Water Science and Technology 55 (8-9), 197-205, 2007
Fluidized ion exchange (FIX) to control NOM fouling in ultrafiltration
ER Cornelissen, EF Beerendonk, MN Nederlof, JP Van der Hoek, ...
Desalination 236 (1-3), 334-341, 2009
Effect of minimal pre-treatment on reverse osmosis using surface water as a source
ER Cornelissen, DJH Harmsen, B Blankert, LP Wessels, ...
Desalination 509, 115056, 2021
360-degree distribution of biofilm quantity and community in an operational unchlorinated drinking water distribution pipe
G Liu, Y Zhang, X Liu, F Hammes, WT Liu, G Medema, P Wessels, ...
Environmental science & technology 54 (9), 5619-5628, 2020
CO2 Nucleation in Membrane Spacer Channels Remove Biofilms and Fouling Deposits
IS Ngene, RGH Lammertink, AJB Kemperman, WJC van de Ven, ...
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 49 (20), 10034-10039, 2010
Asset management maturity in public infrastructure: The case of Rijkswaterstaat
L Volker, A Ligtvoet, M Van den Boomen, LP Wessels, J Van der Velde, ...
International Journal of Strategic Engineering Asset Management 3 1 (4), 439-453, 2013
Direct nanofiltration or ultrafiltration of WWTP effluent?
O Duin, P Wessels, H van der Roest, C Uijterlinde, H Schoonewille
Desalination 132 (1-3), 65-72, 2000
Optimization of air/water cleaning (AWC) in spiral wound elements
ER Cornelissen, L Rebour, D Van der Kooij, LP Wessels
Desalination 236 (1-3), 266-272, 2009
Multi-parametric assessment of biological stability of drinking water produced from groundwater: Reverse osmosis vs. conventional treatment
M Sousi, G Liu, SG Salinas-Rodriguez, L Chen, J Dusseldorp, P Wessels, ...
Water research 186, 116317, 2020
Optimization of operating conditions in forward osmosis for osmotic membrane bioreactor
JJ Qin, M Htun Oo, G Tao, E R Cornelissen, C J Ruiken, K F de Korte, ...
The Open chemical engineering journal 3 (1), 2009
Air/water cleaning for biofouling control in spiral wound membrane elements
ER Cornelissen, JS Vrouwenvelder, SGJ Heijman, XD Viallefont, ...
Desalination 204 (1-3), 145-147, 2007
Innovative design of nano-and ultrafiltration plants
LP Wessels, WGJ Van der Meer, WC Van Paassen, G Vos
Desalination 119 (1-3), 341-345, 1998
Osmotic membrane bioreactor: Preliminary pilot study on effects of osmotic pressure on membrane flux and air scouring on fouling
KA Kekre, JJ Qin, MH Oo, G Tao, CL Lay, CH Lew, ER Cornelissen, ...
Proc. of IWA Regional Conference, 2-4, 2008
Air/water cleaning for the control of particulate fouling
ER Cornelissen, XD Viallefont, EF Beerendonk, LP Wessels
Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology—AQUA 59 (2-3), 120-127, 2010
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